Chapter 07: Mia comes home

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Charlie's POV
A week had past and I was on my way to pick up Mia from the hospital while Bella was at school.

I reached the hospital and asked the nurse for Mia's room number. After getting it I made my way to it, upon arriving I was met with the sight of Dr. Carlisle playing a game of keep away with his ID badge with Mia.

This was the first time that I heard Mia make any sound.

The giggles that escaped her lips were contagious as Carlisle chuckled with her. She looked much healthier as a rosy glow filled her cheeks and she obviously gained some weight. I hated to interrupt the beautiful sight of Mia acting like a normal toddler but I knocked anyway making Carlisle look up "Good morning, Sheriff. I assume that you're here for this little bundle of joy" Carlisle scoops Mia up and walks her over to me.

Mia looks up and gives me a dazzling smile before making grab hands towards me. I obliged and took her into my arms "Morning, Doc.....she looks so much better" Carlisle nods and says "She should get more better so long as you follow the eating plan, and keep applying the ointment until the rash is completely gone" Carlisle gestures for me to follow him and I do so.

He leads me to a nurses station where he prints out a nutrition chart and schedule and writes me a prescription for the ointment "Do you have any childcare plans?" He asks me. I shrugged and said "I've been looking at daycare's, but with how delicate she is I thought that it'd be best to have a friend look after her. My friend Billy offered, but he's in a wheelchair and I don't know if he can handle the responsibility. My other friend Sue offered to watch her part time as well and on Day's when she couldn't she couldn't I figured I would watch her at the station."

Carlisle develops a thoughtful look before saying "My wife, Esme, works from home and could watch her for you" I look at him startled before saying "That's not necessary Dr. Cullen" Carlisle waves me off and says "Please, Esme would be delighted to watch Mia for you. Plus it's a good way to ease her up around women" I look down thoughtfully before saying "I managed to get my job to allow me to work from home for a month. After that, would Esme be willing to watch her?"

Carlisle smiled and said "Of course!" I smiled and said "Thank you Dr. Cullen" I grabbed Mia's things before driving her home.

I set up a nursery in my father's old study and bought more clothes and diapers for her.

I changed her diaper and applied the ointment that I picked up on our way home and dressed her in one of her new outfits

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I changed her diaper and applied the ointment that I picked up on our way home and dressed her in one of her new outfits.

I changed her diaper and applied the ointment that I picked up on our way home and dressed her in one of her new outfits

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Mia reached up and started playing with the bow that I placed in her hair. I laughed and started swaying with her.

Bella's POV
I strutted out of school with a smirk on my face.

After disappearing for a week, Edward finally returned and talked to me. He's just like every other sap in this town. He can't resist the mysterious beauty that is me!

I walked to my truck and started digging through my bag for my keys when a metallic screech caught my attention. I turned around to see a van hurtling towards me at lightening speed. I froze as shock filled my body. Before the van could crush me. I was abruptly knocked to the ground.

Edward hovered over my body and shielded me. He reached up and stopped the van with his bare hand and pushed it away from us. I stared at him in amazement. But he ignored me and left.

'What the hell?! That was your cue to kiss me!'


Edward's POV
I stood next to Carlisle as Rose lectured me about exposing myself to a human.

I remained silent until Carlisle said "Let's take this in my office" we all look to see Bella who was clearly eavesdropping. Rosalie gives me one last glare before she goes off with Carlisle. I sigh and adopt a nonchalant air as Bella approaches, me with a determined expression.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" She asks but it doesn't sound like a question. I reluctantly nod and she continues "How did you get over to me so quickly?" "I was standing right next to you" I lie smoothly "You were next to your car, across the lot" she argues I step closer to her. I feel my expression turn icy hard "No, I wasn't" I deny once more. She steps closer to me.

"Yes. You were" she says stubbornly. I attempt to convince her otherwise "You're confused. You hit your head" "I know what I saw" Bella snaps "And what, exactly, was that?" I ask "You stopped that van. You pushed it away" Bella states "No one will believe that" I said "I wasn't planning to tell anyone. I just want to know the truth" Bella says quietly and she reaches out to graze my arm "Can't you just thank me and get over it?" I snap at her.

Startled she blurts out "Thank you" I turn and walk away. 'There's no way that, THAT, is my mate! Alice must've made a mistake because she is nothing like I envisioned her' I think angrily.

But all my anger leaves when I the scent of Geranium and citrus fills my nose. I inhale deeply and start to follow the scent.

Whoever that scent belongs to is important.

I follow it all the way to the nurse's station where I find a handful of the usual nurses, the Chief and Bella. I can still smell the scent, but I know that it's no one here. Frustrated and stressed, I storm off to go hunting.

I wished that I had stayed a moment longer because then I would've noticed the angelic baby in the chief's arms. She was the one who radiated the heavenly scent.

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