Chapter 04: Cullens and Biology

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{with the Cullens}
Alice leans in and whispers "I think that's the girl from my vision" this makes all the Cullens look up and peer at the new girl.

~~~flashback Alice's vision~~~
A teenage girl blessed with beauty so flawless and enchanting she rivals Rosalie.

The phrase lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, and skin white as snow describes her most notable features, being her rosy red lips and rosy cheeks, and both her hair and skin color.

Her eyes are unseen as they're hidden by shadows.

She tugs Edward to a white two story house "C'mon Edward! We're going to be late meeting Papa, Ava, and Jacob!" Edward laughs and loving gazes at the girl "My life, please, calm down. We'll make it on time" they finally reach the house where a party seems to be happening.

The Wolfpack, the Cullen clan, and a few humans are present. Most notably an elderly Charlie Swan, it appears to be his 82nd birthday party. Suddenly a girl with flaming red hair and crystal blue eyes walks out with Jacob Black, the alpha of the pack.

She beams at Edward and his female companion before bolting over to her "You made it!" The girl laughs before hugging the red haired girl back "Of course I did!"

Everyone gathered around to celebrate Charlie's birthday together.

~~~end vision~~~

Rosalie scoffs and says "You said you didn't see her face, but that Edward's mate was beautiful. That girl is not beautiful in any way" Emmett also chimes in "Any where's the red head? You know the one who's her best friend or sister? We need both of them to unite us with the pack" Alice nibbles on her lip thoughtfully "Maybe they haven't met yet?"

They all stare at Bella who lights up at the attention.

{in Biology class}
A room of black-topped lab tables. Two to a table. Bella and Mike enter. Mike takes his seat and points her toward Mr. Molina the enthusiastic science teacher at the head of the class.

As Bella moves to the teacher with her class slip, she notes Edward Cullen has this class as well. His back to her, sitting at a front table. But as she passes Edward's table the breeze she creates when she passes lifts a piece of paper next to Edward. He inhales then abruptly stiffens. He grabs onto the edge of the table, crumbling it slightly. No one notices.

Mr. Molina takes Bella's class slip "Welcome, Ms. Swan. Follow along as best you can till you get caught up" Mr. Molina gestures to the only empty seat... next to Edward. But as Bella approaches, she's taken aback when he slowly looks up at her, his eyes coal black with repulsion, fury. If looks could literally kill...

Bella knocks someone's book bag off their chair. Replaces it, mumbling an apology. Then slinks reluctantly into her seat. Edward jerks away from her to the extreme edge of his chair.

"Today we'll be observing the behavior of planaria, a.k.a flatworms" Mr. Molina say animatedly. As Mr. Molina distributes two petri dishes per table he continues talking "We're going to cut them in half, then watch them regenerate into two separate worms..." Bella glances at Edward who averts his face, holding a hand over his nose as if he smells something horrible.

Bella, shrinking, subtly sniffs the air, smells nothing. Then she sniffs her hair. It's fine. She's annoyed and slightly miffed. Mr.Molina hands Edward two Petri dishes "... Yes, folks, zombie worms! They just won't die!" Mr. Molina says jovially. Edward takes a dish, then slides the second one across the table to Bella as if she had Ebola. She takes her dish, and makes a dark curtain of her hair between them. She can see Edward's hands under the table. Clenched into fists.

Seemingly hours past with Bella attempting to flirt and gain Edward's good graces before the bell finally rings.

Edward bolts out the door. Other kids and Bella exit a moment later. Bella looks down the hall, he's gone. Frustrated, Bella heads to the office and mulls over how to gain Edward's affections.

Bella enters, and lights up when she sees Edward sweet-talking the enchanted female administrator. He doesn't see Bella enter and she defeats upon actually hearing the conversation.

"There must be something open sixth period. Physics? Biochem?" Edward pleads wanting to be away from the repulsive human and denying that she's his mate. "No, every class is full. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology. I'm so sorry" the administrator says making Bella blanch. The Administrator sees her and gestures for her to wait a minute, but Edward suddenly straightens as if sensing Bella. He slowly turns to glare at her with piercing, hate-filled eyes.

Startled she backs to the wall, hugging herself, suddenly chilled... with apprehension.

Edward then says to the administrator "I'll just... endure it" He strides out the door. After completing her business in the front office, Bella leaves for the parking lot.

Edward climbs into a shiny new silver Volvo with the Cullens, while Bella, upset, hurries to her truck. The many eyes still watching her add insult to injury. Finally, she reaches her truck where she opens and closes the door. Her eyes well... but she fights it, getting mad.

'Why doesn't he like me? I'm beautiful, mysterious like them! And kind and smart! He must've heard about that brat Mia! She's in so much trouble when I get home! I have to fix this... Edward Cullen, you will be mine!'

She tries to start the car, choking the engine.

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