Chapter 06: Carlisle and Mia

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3rd POV

Carlisle sat with Mia who was finally asleep after the strenuous day she'd had

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Carlisle sat with Mia who was finally asleep after the strenuous day she'd had.

After confirming the cracked ribs, Carlisle wrapped her tiny torso and put her on an IV. They ran a few tests for any diseases and after confirming that it was just malnutrition, dehydration, and SAD (seasonal affective disorder) which is ironic considering she was born in Arizona. They moved on to the diaper rash and applied antibiotic ointment on her before placing her in a hospital diaper and gown in her size.

Now on an IV with fluids and having been under a SAD lamp for an hour. Mia was exhausted and had passed right out. Carlisle volunteered to stay with her throughout the night. He had called Esme and informed her that he wouldn't be home until later.

Which brings us to now. Carlisle turned towards the door when he hears his wife and eldest daughter gasp in shock and horror. Esme and Rosalie stood in the doorway with the male nurse who had been assisting him all day as Mia showed signs of gynophobia.

The nurse gave Mia a pitying look before leaving the family alone. Esme and Rosalie hesitantly walked into the room. Carlisle noticed a familiar red soup canister in Esme's hands and realized that they must've assumed he got backed up on paperwork again and brought him some animal blood.

"W-who is that?" Esme asked making Carlisle refocus his attention on Mia "Mia Swan. The chief's granddaughter" Rosalie looks at him in surprise "So she's really Bella's daughter? She's been telling everyone at school that Mia's actually her half sister" Carlisle's face hardens "She's Bella's and I suspect that Bella's the one who's been abusing her" Esme and Rosalie exchanged looks before Rosalie slowly walks over and peers down at the child.

Her safe morphs into one of adoration for the baby "She's like a miniature Snow White" Rosalie whispers making Carlisle smile with venom tears in his eyes "She is...she's delicate like a snowflake and just as beautiful" Esme walks over and places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes it gently. Carlisle reached up and grasps her hand.

They're silent for a moment before they timidly start discussing Bella, and Mia, and Alice's vision. Carlisle swears up and down that there's no way that Edward could be mates to a child abuser. Esme explains how Edward left for Alaska to avoid Bella as she incited his bloodlust.

Further proof that she was not his mate.

Mia suddenly woke up and started squirming in discomfort, but didn't make any noise. Rosalie immediately went to the child but froze when Carlisle informed her of her fear of women. Esme and Rosalie left Carlisle to care for the toddler and promised a family meeting as soon as Edward returned.

Carlisle reapplied the ointment and gave her a fresh diaper before receiving a call from Charlie on his work phone "Dr. Cullen?" "Hey, Carlisle, it's me, Charlie" Carlisle nods and says "Hello, sheriff. Checking on Mia?" "Yes, and I also interviewed Bella. She claims that she left the childcare to Renee and she worked part time and attended school so she rarely spent time with Mia" Carlisle frowned and bit his lip.

He didn't really believe Bella's story, but not wanting to accuse someone he's never met Carlisle said "Alright, if she checks out the I guess it's safe to release Mia into your custody in a week" Charlie nodded before saying "Bella also mentioned that Mia had a very sensitive stomach and often threw up everything that she ate and that's why she's so malnourished. Can you test for something like that?" Carlisle glanced at Mia unsurely before saying "I can. I'll get back to you with more information" Charlie nodded and said "Thank you Dr. Cullen. Good night" "Good night, Sheriff."

Both men hung up and Carlisle turned to Mia. He didn't believe that Mia had an eating problem, but he'd check to be safe. Carlisle sighed before holding the baby close and rocking her back to sleep.

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