Twitter Chat

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You had been trying to get Daniel to DM you back for hours. You had been such a fan of his since the beginning of American Idol. It had been a year since he was on there, but you were still as dedicated as when you first became a Faniel.

You continued to tweet him for hours since he was doing a DM spree.

@seaveydaniel DM me pleeeease. 😭

@seaveydaniel I'll cry if you do. 😭

Soon after that you went to bed, giving up on him ever DMing you.

You wake up the next morning to find Twitter blown up with notifications.

Daniel had DMed you and tweeted you.

@y/t/n You should check you DMs lovely. 😍💞😘

He called you lovely. You couldn't believe it. You instantly went to your messages on Twitter.

Daniel: You really wanted that DM didn't you? 😂

He had sent it 5 hours ago. You missed your chance. At least that's what you thought. You decided to reply anyway.

You: Oh my gosh. I just saw this. You probably won't even reply but Thank you so much!! 💕💞😘

To your surprise he answered back.

Daniel: No problem. 😉

You: I feel like crying rn. This is not real. 😭

Daniel: Awe don't cry! And I promise this is real. 😊

You: I've always dreamed of this happening.

Daniel: Really now? Because I've always dreamed of talking to a cute girl like you. 😉

You: You just called me cute. You don't even know what I look like. 😂

Daniel: I may have stalked your Twitter last night. 😏

You: Nuh uh. 😂

Daniel: Hey..I had to do my research. 😂

You: Daniel Seavey stalked my Twitter. What is life? 😂

Daniel: Life could be a whole lot better with you in it. 😉

You: You don't even know me..

Daniel: So maybe we should hang out some time.

You: Seriously?

Daniel: Yeah.

You: Daniel, I'm just another fan. You have so many girls that love you.

Daniel: Well how about this. We continue to talk on twitter for a while.

You: And?

Daniel: Then we hang out. We can become Internet friends. 😂

You: How do you know I'm not some crazy stalker? 😂

Daniel: Well if you turn out to be one, I'll be really sad.

You: Why?

Daniel: Because you seem really sweet and if you're a stalker I would be kinda creeped out. 😂😂

You: What are you trying to say?

Daniel: This could be the start of something really great. 😊

You: I hope so.

And that it was. The start of something great. Here you guys are, 8 years later. Married with a child and one more on the way. Your life was perfect. And to think that it all started with a simple tweet.

First ever imagine and yes I know it was really crappy. 😂😂 Comment if you think I should do more and leave imagine request also. 💕

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