Just Friends

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Dedicated to hayhay57

You and Daniel had been best friends since birth.And that's what you would always be, just friends. He was finally coming back from tour and you couldn't wait to see him. Your phone lit up with a message from Daniel.

From: Danny Boi 💁

Hey, when I get back home do you wanna catch a movie?? 😬 I'll pay.

To: Danny Boi 💁

Are you sure you don't want to rest? 😂

From: Danny Boi 💁

I'll just sleep on the plane. 💤

To: Danny Boi 💁

Okay. What movie?

From: Danny Boi 💁

Pitch Perfect 2?

To: Danny Boi 💁

Sounds great!! ✨

From: Danny Boi 💁

Well my planes about to board so I'll text you when I'm all settled at home.

To: Danny Boi 💁

Alrighty. Sounds good.

From: Danny Boi 💁

K. Love yooooouuuuu. 💁💃💞

To: Danny Boi 💁

Love you too. 💁

It would be a few hours before Daniel got home and settled so you cleaned your room and did normal things that you would do on a Saturday. After five hours, Daniel texts you.

From: Daniel Boi 💁

Heyy. I'll be over to pick you up in thirty minutes. 😝

To: Danny Boi 💁

Alrighty. 👍🐋

You were already dressed, but didn't have makeup on so you went and did your normal makeup. Then you went downstairs and told your parents where you were going.

"Well tell Daniel we said hi," your dad says.

"I will," you say as you walk outside to wait for him.

You began to think about how much you had actually missed him. It was insane. Of course you talked to him everyday, but it just wasn't the same as seeing him face to face. You knew you had feelings for him but you didn't want to ruin your friendship. Your thought were interrupted by Daniel's car horn. You ran to the driveway and waited for him to get out of the car. When he finally got out of the car, you tackled him in a hug.

"Well someone's happy to see me," he says while laughing.

"Daniel, you have no idea how much I missed you," you state.

"Oh I have an idea. I missed you so much too," he says.

"Oh and my parents say hi," you say.

"Well why don't you wait in the car and I'll go and tell them hi?" he asks.

"Okay," you say.

You thought that him going inside just to say hi was a little suspicious but you didn't argue. You get into the car and wait for Daniel. Finally, he comes back outside.

"Well that took a while," you say.

"Well I had to ask them something," he says.

"And that would be?" you ask.

"You'll find out soon enough," he says.

You guys talk about tour. He smiles while talking about it. You could tell he loves what he does a lot. Finally, you arrive to the movie theater.

As you are watching the movie, Daniel leans over to you and whispers.

"Hey do you wanna know what I asked your parents about?" he asks.

"Right now?" you ask.

"Yeah. I can't wait any longer," he says.

"I mean I guess," you state.

"Well I asked them if it was okay if I ask you to be my girlfriend," he states.

You stare at him.

"So will you?" he asks.

"Of course!" you whisper yell.

You go back to watching the movie. He grabs your hand and holds it the rest of the movie.

After the movie is over, he gets stopped by some fans. Of course they all want pictures. Many of them stare at you. Judging you. You over hear one of them.

"Ew, is he dating her? Because if so he could do so much better," she states.

A few tears fall down your face.

Apparently Daniel had heard her too.

"Hey, don't talk bad about her. She's the reason for my smile. Never in a million years could I do better than her. She's beautiful and if you don't like her maybe you shouldn't be a fan of mine. Because you're going to be seeing a lot more of her," he says.

He walks over to you and grabs your hand. You walk out to the car, leaving the fans in shock of what just happened.

"I'm so sorry about that," Daniel tells you.

"Daniel, it's fine. You didn't know that was going to happen," you say.

"I really meant what I said back there," he says.

You smile at him.

"Do you wanna go somewhere to look at the stars?" he asks.

"Sure," you say.

You arrive to a big open field.

"When did you find this place?" you ask.

"Right before I went on tour," he says.

He pulls a blanket out from the back seat and lays it on the ground. You lay down and he lays next to you. You hear a click noise and look at Daniel with his phone out, taking a picture of you looking at the stars.

"Really Daniel?" you ask.

"Yep, and I'm going to post it too," he says.

"Whatever," you reply.

"I love you," he states.

"I love you too," you state.

He then lean over an kisses you. You kiss back. When you break away, you smile at him.

You spend an hour looking at the stars and talking. You end up with your head on his chest. He finally takes you home and when you get there he kisses you bye.

You walk into the house with the biggest smile on your face.

"So tonight went well?" your mom questioned.

"Like you didn't already know," you say.

She laughs as you began walking to your room. You change into your pajamas and check your phone.

Daniel had posted the picture and tagged you in it.

"Best night ever thanks to this girl. We are together and if you don't like that then I'm sorry. She's the reason for my smile 💕," it says.

Many of the comments were positive ones, but of course there were negative ones.

You texted Daniel as you were about to go to bed.

To: Danny Boi 💕

Thanks so much for tonight. 😊

From: Danny Boi 💕

No problem. 😊 I love you. 💕 Goodnight beautiful.

To: Danny Boi 💕

I love you too 💕

You were excited for your future together. You couldn't wait to see what was up next. Most importantly, you were no longer just friends.

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