Small Bump

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"Big news today!" Daniel tweets out.

You guys had been married for 2 years and were finally adding to the family.

You were pregnant. You had already told close family and friends. Now it was time to tell all the fans.

Although you were 5 months pregnant you weren't showing that much. So most of the fans didn't question anything. Some were more observant than others and had figured it out, but you hadn't said anything.

You had already planned on how you were going to tell all the fans.

Daniel had done a cover of Small Bump buy Ed Sheeran and was going to post it in an hour. You were beyond excited to announce it.

30 minutes later

"30 more minutes! 👶" Daniel tweeted.

It was pretty obvious and if the fans didn't pick up on the hint they were probably clueless.

You sat on the couch and Daniel came and sat by you. He leaned over and began talking to your stomach.

"Hi baby girl. We just found out that you're a girl and I'm super excited. You are already my princess and my whole world. I love you more than you will ever know and can't wait until you are here," Daniel says. You smile down at him.

Daniel's favorite thing to do now a days was talk and sing to your stomach. So, naturally he began singing. He was singing Small Bump.
You felt a tear slip down your face. This was the life you had always dreamed of.

Before you knew it, it was time to post the video.

"WE'RE EXPECTING! 👶" Daniel tweets out with the video. You guys then watched the video.

He sang the song beautifully.

"Hey guys," Daniel starts at the end of the video," so if you don't get what's happening, y/n and I are expecting a baby girl in about 4 months and we are super excited."

You then come into the frame.

"Hey guys!" you say and wave, "We hope you guys are as excited as we are about this. And we have a little challenge for you guys! We want you guys to help us with picking the baby name. So just comment baby names and we will pick a few of our favorites and then chose between them."

"So that's pretty much everything! We love you guys and will keep you updated with the baby news!" Daniel says.

After the video is over, you look at Daniel and smile.

He then kisses you. He leans down to your stomach and kisses it and whispers, "Hey princess, we just announced that your mommy is pregnant with you and everyone can't wait to see you. I love you."


Hey! Long time no write. Hope you all enjoyed!! I really like this and yes I know that in Small Bump the baby doesn't make it in end but I really just wanted to use that song for this!! This is the second to last imagine in this short series. The next one will be Daniel as a new dad and then I'll need more requests so leave comments and I'll be sure to read them!!

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