Engagement Pictures (Contuined from last imagine)

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You and Daniel were driving to were the engagement pictures were being taken. You had been engaged for about 3 months and finally had time to get the pictures done. A close friend of yours was a photographer and asked if she could do them.

"What are you thinking about babe?" Daniel asks.

"The pictures. And our future," you say with a smile.

"Does it ever feel unreal that we're engaged?" he asks.

"Yes! It's crazy," you say with a smile.

You continue the drive and end up at the first location. You were only going to be going to two different locations. It was a big open field with flowers and different plants everywhere.

Your first outfit was a simple black and white maxi dress. Daniel was in a white button down shirt and jeans. These were going to be the more formal pictures.

You and Daniel did natural poses at first. A few of you two kissing and one were you are both staring into each others eyes.

These pictures were the more romantic and serious photos.

After the first set of photos, you and Daniel went to the second location. The second place was a park. You were the most excited for these pictures.

"I'm so excited for these pictures!" Daniel says.

"Me too!" you exclaim.

You and Daniel had matching red and black flannels and jeans. You both had a pair of white Converse on also.

Yes, you were going to be "that" couple. The ones that have to match.

The first few photos were of you and Daniel sitting on a park bench and him singing to you. He was singing all different kinds of songs. Originals and covers. You could fall in love with him over and over again just listening to him sing.

After that, were the funnier pictures. You took one with him using you as an arm rest, since he towered over you. Then, you took one with you standing on a step stool kissing him.

After that, you took one of him giving you a piggy back ride. You and Daniel had decided to take one with him holding a chalk board that said, "She said yes," while you are holding up your ring.

Since you were at a park, you decided to take pictures of you on the swings and slides. You were both still young, so you didn't want to be to serious.

The rest of the photos were just random. Anything and everything you could think of.

At the end of the day, Daniel tweeted out a photo of you and him in your matching clothes.

"Any guesses what we did today? 🙈😏"


So, I decided to continue this series. I really hope this goes over well!! And thank you so such for 1k reads. THAT'S INSANE. I love you all. 💕

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