Reversed Roles

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You were a YouTuber that had just hit 1,000,000 subscribers. As you had promised all of your fans, you would do a meet and greet when you reached that amount. And today was the day of it. You were on your way to the place of the meet up. You had thousands of tweets from people saying how excited they were for you and to see you today.One stuck out to you. It was from a guy who's name was Daniel Seavey.

@y/t/n Can't wait to meet my future wife today. 😘😂 Hope you don't think I'm creepy. 😂

You laughed to yourself and looked at his profile. He was cute and was your age, 16. You quickly followed him and tweeted back.

@seaveydaniel Aye you could be my future husband. 😘😜😂

You put your phone away as you arrive at the meet up. There were already hundreds of people waiting for you. You did both singing and beauty videos so you had a large fan base. Security escorted you to the place that you would be at. There was still an hour before it started, so you chilled on your phone for a little bit and tweeted more people. That Daniel guy was sticking out in your mind. You saw him tweet again.


This was followed with a picture of him in line waiting with several of what looked to be like his friends.

This guy was really not going to give up on you.

The meet and greet started and it was not rushed. You didn't want it to be. You wanted to really get to know the people behind the computer screen.

Soon, you saw a familiar face. Daniel. He came running up to you.

"Hi," he states. He seemed really shy.

"Well look who it is. My future husband," you say.

He gives a nervous laugh.

"You are so beautiful," he states.

"Awe, thanks," you say.

"So can we take a picture?" he asks.

"Of course!" you state.

He had one of friends take the pictures. You did one were he was giving you a piggy back ride.

"Oh one more thing," he says.

"What?" you ask.

He pulled out a Ring Pop.

"Will you marry me?" he asks while laughing.

"Of course!" you state, also laughing.

He puts the Ring Pop on your finger and has his friend take another photo. This time you are holding up your hand while he is smiling.

He hugs you goodbye.

"It was really nice to meet you," he says.

"Same to you!" you exclaim.

You finish up the meet and greet and check your phone.

Dani had posted a ton.

@y/t/n Nice to finally meet you!

The photo of him giving you a piggy back ride was attached.

Then he tweeted the picture of you with the ring.

@y/t/n SHE SAID YES! 😂😍💕

You retweeted that photo. Then you DMed him.

You: You are so sweet. 😂

Daniel: Thanks!! 😂😂

You talked for hours over DM. He soon started a YouTube channel and quickly gained subscribers. You guys became the best of friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, and finally husband and wife. You always laughed about the first time you met and how he proposed before you even had a date. Daniel Seavey really was your future
husband and the love of your life.


I don't know about you guys, but thinking about Daniel being a fan girl makes me laugh so hard. 😂😂 Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this imagine and don't think it was to lame. 😂❤✌

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