Sunday Morning

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"Sunday morning rain is falling," you could hear Daniel singing.

You loved when he sang. You were over at his house and he had to make a YouTube cover like he promised his fans. You were waiting downstairs for him to get finished. He had to redo the song several times to get it all. Sometime while you were waiting, you fell asleep.

You woke up to Daniel sitting next to you singing Thinking Out Loud. That was the song you and Daniel had first danced to. As you began to wake up, Daniel led you off of the couch and began to dance with you around the living room.

"Sing Sunday Morning again," you begged.

He began to sing and you slow danced around the room some more.

"I love you so much Y/N," he said.

You looked at him in shock. That was the first time he ever said he loved you. He continued to sing after a while.

"Daniel?" you said.

"Yes beautiful?" he replied.

"I love you too," you said.

He smiled and planted a small kiss on your lips.

This was a Sunday Morning you would never forget.

This is really short I know. 😂 But hoped you enjoyed. Idk is anyone even reading this? 😂😂
Anyway hope you had/have a great day!! 💕💁

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