First Flight Home (part two of Tour Time)

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🎶Hey, I've been gone forever. But I'm coming home tonight. Now that I'm hear I'm never leaving your side. Told you I was coming, sorry it took so long. I was on the first flight home. I was on the first flight home.🎶

You absolutely loved this song. Daniel did a cover of it and dedicated it to you since he was on tour. Today he was finally coming home.

He tweeted you.


@seaveydaniel I can't wait to see you!! Love you sooooo much. 💕

After you checked your phone, you began to get dressed.

You saw Daniel had tweeted you a ton more after you got dressed.

@y/t/n I honestly can't wait to see you.


@y/t/n I'll be on the first flight home. 💕

You laughed at Daniel and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. Your parents were already down stairs, eating breakfast.

"You ready for today?" your mom asked.

"Of course!" you say, "I've been waiting forever to see him again."

"Oh we know. He is all you ever talk about," your dad says.

You smile and blush in embarrassment. Like all dads, your dad loved to embarrass you.

30 minutes later Keri, Daniel's mom, pulls up in your driveway to take you with her to the airport. You wanted to get their early.

You tell your parents bye and you walk out the front door. As you hop in the front seat, you decide to tweet.

On my way to pick up @seaveydaniel 💕

After you sent the tweet, you put your phone away.

"Are you ready to see him?" Keri asks.

"Yes!! Way past ready! I've been ready since he went on tour," you say.

"I know," she laughs, "he's ready to see you too. You are all he ever talks about."

You smile.

"Funny, my parents said the same thing about me," you say.

After about an hour, you get to the airport. You jump out of the car. You can't contain your excitement. As you are walking in, dozens of fans are waiting for him. Several even ask for a picture with you. Of course you take them.

After waiting for about an hour, Daniel's plane lands. You are so excited. After several agonizing minutes, you see Daniel. All you can see is his head, but you know it's him. Then, you finally see his face. He is finally out of the hallway and you run to him.

"Daniel!" you yell.

He sees you an drops all of his bags. You finally make it to him and he picks you up and spins you around.

"I've miss you so much," he says.

You can't say anything. You are crying. You missed him so much.

Daniel realized you didn't say anything, so he sets you down and looks at you.

"Hey, why are you crying?" he asks.

"I just missed you so much," you state.

"I miss you too," he says as he wipes away your tears.

He kisses you softly and slowly.

"And I've missed that," he says.

You smile at him and laugh.

"Well, we need someone to take a picture of us being reunited," you state.

He nods his head in agreement and smiles. Many of the Faniels have gathered around you and are admiring your relationship. You see one that is being really shy.

"Hey," you say to her, "Will you take Danny and I's picture?"

She shakes her head yes and moves forward to get your phone.

You then wrap your arms around Daniel and he does the same to you. She snaps the picture. You then take one with him kissing your cheek.

"Can I um take a picture with you guys?" she asks.

"Sure!" Daniel exclaims.

"Are you sure you want me in the picture?" you ask.

"Of course!" she states.

The three of you take the picture and then she leaves. She thanks you for everything.

Daniel take pictures with every fan that is there. You leave the airport two hours later. Several of them caught your reunion of video and posted it on Twitter. You saved one of them to your phone.

As you are driving back home, you post the pictures on Instagram with the caption,

He's finally home. 💕

He begins singing to you in the backseat as he intertwines your fingers.

"Hey I've been gone forever but I'm finally home tonight. Now that I'm here I'm never leaving your side. Told you I was coming. Sorry it took so long. I was on the first flight home. I was on the first flight home." He sings.

He was home. And that's all that matter.

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