Chapter 4. Elsa - Conceal Don't Feel

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Hey guys! Here's chapter 4.

Only 90 votes for the next chapter please :D

I can't believe the feedback and responses I've had so far with this novel, thanks so much for everything guys!

Also, I really enjoyed writing from 'Elle's (Elsa's)' P.O.V. in this chapter, as I've really wanted to explore what could happen to her in this novel!

I think you'll all be reasonably happy with what comes of her involvement in the novel ;)

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

xoxo Andrea

4. Elsa

I slowly nurse the light blue cocktail I was handed over an hour ago, legs crossed and eyelids lowered as I waste away my Saturday evening at another tragic excuse for a night out.

My sister Annabelle flits past me as she's pulled into another dance with a guy she hardly knows, she seems happy though. She lives for these kind of events.

"Having fun, Elle?!" She shouts over the thumping bass of the music in the building, beaming at me.

I raise up my cocktail glass and sigh before mustering enough fake joy to reply, "Absolutely, best party I've ever been to."

I hate parties.

I'm sorry, I'm putting that bluntly. But it's true.

I mean, I don't really get the point of a bunch of young adults meeting up at someones house for the evening, getting wasted, dancing a bit and going home.

I mean, when you put it that way, it sounds stupid. Pointless. Not to mention...Illegal.

It's not my place to pry and pick this event apart, I mean, I am in attendance after all.

Not exactly by choice...

That's to do with two things; My sister and my high school status.

My sister Annabelle is the biggest party animal you've ever seen, she's also a hopeless romantic, and when you add those two qualities to each other, you only get bad news. This girl that is my loveable, adorable and sweet sister, becomes completely lovestruck with every single guy she meets. Just the other day, a guy said hi to her in the hallway, and she told me 'he's the one' and 'we're just meant to be'.

I have no idea how to fix this fault of hers, the only thing I can do is look out for her. Because I'm her older sister, and that's just what older sisters do.

Also, I'm a cheerleader at school this year. Not because I have huge school sprit, but because I enjoy doing kicks and flips and gymnastics, without actually doing gymnastics. But with this cheerleader role, come cheerleader responsibilities. You've got to attend gatherings like these to remain in peak social status, basically it's: Come to this party, or you're off the team.

So I come, and I sit, in the corner...and people watch.

I put my drink down on the table in front of me and readjust the pair of short white gloves on my hands. They're not there for style, they're there for a reason.

As much as I hate to admit it, basically because I don't want to think about it. I have powers.

And I have no idea how to control them.

See, this is the flaw about not admitting you have a problem, it means you never actually get around to tackling it. So I just live with it, I wear gloves, I let my sister have the fun. I'm still confident, but I just don't go out of my way to be as bubbly or friendly as my sister.

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