Chapter 12. Kida - I Have Some Questions For You

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Hey guys!

Hope you enjoy this instalment of MR! And especially Kida's P.O.V.

This is the last NEW P.O.V. change in this novel, so the next chapter will be from Ella's P.O.V... (Etc)

Don't forget to vote and comment

xoxo ~ Andrea

Chapter 12. Kida

"Hold on, hold on, hold on!" I snap, raising my eyebrows at Amy as we step out of her car and onto the grounds of Eric Clearwater's estate.

"What...?" She asks.

I share a look with Thea and Jasmine.

"You're telling me, that you haven't even spoken one word to Eric, but you're sure he's the perfect guy or something?"

She shrugs, "Er, yah. So?"

"Get a grip hun! It's not going to work out well if you just burst into this party and throw yourself at the guy."

Jasmine sighs, "I've been trying to tell her this all week."

Thea shrugs, "Well, it's the first I heard of it."

"Please, Amy. Calm down. Take it slow, please."

She nods slowly, "Ugh, fine."

"I think she needed to hear that." Jasmine whispers in my ear as the two of us head up the pathway and mouth the steps to the mansion that Eric Clearwater lives in.

Sure, he's good looking, with is inky black mop of hair and dreamy eyes. But Amy seriously needs to control herself.

I know that girls original tale. It doesn't end well.

Before long the poor girl will be slicing her tongue off and selling it, just to get a date with the guy.

I shudder at the thought.

"So, Kidanna, have you made any headway in your romantic life?" Jasmine asks me.

I shake my head, "I've been a bit too busy."

"Oh." Jasmine sighs, "It's alright, I'm sure you'll find someone."

I shrug, "Yeah, probably."

I mean, I'm trying to act all nonchalant about this whole 'romance/true love task thing' but honestly, it's tearing me up inside.

To replay my old story, one more time, would probably kill me.

It's heartbreaking for me, every single damn time I have to relive it.

I have to watch my father die. My whole world crumble to pieces around me, my people suffer.

It really sucks.

I just have to hope I'll stumble into someone who's right for me.

To end my nightmarish story once and for all.

"Kidanna, Jasmine, Thea, Amy! Welcome ladies." Peyton Princeton grins at us from where he's standing by the door.

"Peyton." Thea acknowledges him, before we all slip past him, into the mansion.

The place is stunning, all decked out for Eric's birthday. There's champagne flowing, smoke machines, a DJ and a illuminated dance floor, strobe lights everywhere. The massive infinity pool out front all lit up for some drunken midnight swims.

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