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There seemed to be no end to this torture of dying repeatedly and then waking up the next day with everyone forgetting about your painful suffering as if nothing had ever happened. It happened very often, dying almost every day. You have a love and hate relationship with your immortality.

Every death you have experienced was either painful or not painful at all. Most of your deaths consisted of drowning, being decapitated, being run over by a car, being poisoned, hospital failures, severe injuries, and so on. Some might think that being an immortal human being was cool. But it's not. It's more like a never-ending trial of torture. A cycle of constant suffering. It was hell and you wished that God could take it all away. You didn't want to keep living like this.

But did you have a choice? No, not really. This curse of yours is permanent, unfortunately. You wish that you had someone else to talk to about this. Someone who would understand and for once believe the fact that you can't die. But there was no one else you knew besides yourself who was immortal.

Of course, you could talk to your friend group Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman about this, but you doubt that they would understand and believe you. Kyle and Stan. would probably be concerned for your mental health, Cartman would probably mock the fuck out of you for being a crazy bitch like he always does, and Kenny probably won't understand or be dumbfounded if you explained your immortality to them.

Ah yes, Cartman making fun of you and insulting him back was always fun. Just the fact that Cartman always gets pissed over being called a fatass or something like that was something that you'd always find fucking hilarious.

Tonight, was just another of those nights where you would have trouble falling asleep. You usually slept pretty well in the unholy hours of the night but tonight you just couldn't get yourself to get some sleep. You let out a deep sigh as billions and trillions of thoughts ran rampant through your mind.

The endless train of thoughts floating endlessly as though your skull was a void that consisted with no end. You honestly thought that you were losing your sanity. Most of those thoughts were mostly anxiety-reducing questions like; 'Will I make it through the day without going through some unfortunate thing happening to me?' and 'Will I make myself look like a fool by somehow embarrassing myself in front of the entire school?'

You didn't like these thoughts very much as they were pretty much a nuisance and did nothing to help ease your constant worrying. For god's sake, you were praying that you could get through the entire week without getting yourself killed. It would be a fucking miracle if you did. All you could do was hope and pray to God. At this point, you were begging him for a month or at least an entire week without your blood being shed on American soil.

A deep yawn escaped your lips as you began to feel drowsy. The melatonin that you took earlier was finally kicking in. As soon as your eyelids started you feel heavy, you instantly fell asleep, your head slightly sinking into the soft warmth of your pillow and drifting off into dreamland.


The dawn of night came and went by as usual and before you knew it the cruel ringing sound of your alarm clock awoken you from your sleep. Rolling over lazily you turned to look at your clock. "Fucking hell." You cursed lightly under your breath when you saw that you had about an hour or so to get ready for school. As much as you wanted to stay home and sleep, you couldn't afford to let your grades drop to zero.

You needed to get as many A's as possible so that you could graduate high school and at least get a decent career that would pay a decent amount of money to live on. You lazily sat up in your warm bed and threw off the blanket that once covered your body and kept it warm. Letting out a deep yawn, you stretch out your tired limbs and sat up, walking over to your closet to pick out an outfit for the day.

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