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You groaned as you stretched your sore limbs, the sunlight streaming through the window above your head and blinding you momentarily before turning on your stomach, and burying your face into the pillow. You tried to ignore the ache in your entire body, knowing that you're sore from last night.

Your head hurt like hell, but you knew you had to get up and get ready for school so you did so. You did your usual morning routine and ate breakfast. But even after eating your headache was still there and being on a bus full of loud teenagers would make it worse. "Hey, Mom? Can you take me to school? My head hurts like hell..." You whined, looking at her pleadingly.

"Fine, but only because I have the day off. Here have a Tylenol it'll help" She said handing you the bottle of painkillers. You thanked you thanked your mom before filling your glass up with water. You pushed down on the cap and twisted it open, grabbing a single pill before putting it in your mouth. After twisting the cap back on you took a gulp of water and swallowed the pill, hoping that the medication would kick in soon.

"C'mon let's go." She said, with that you grabbed your back and walked outside, getting in the car and buckling your seat belt after placing your bag down right beside you. Maybe you had a little bit too much alcohol last night. And you were gonna have to explain to Kenny why you didn't ride the bus. But he'd understand. At least you sure hope he would.

After a long thirty minutes, you arrived at school and exited the car, grabbing your bag and exchanging goodbyes with your mom. You then walked over to the doors and entered the dreadful building that they call a school. A cesspool full of angsty, hormonal, teenagers, bitchy ass teachers and staff, and piles and piles of work. It was hell.

As soon as you stepped into the hallway full of teens having conversations with one another. The class hasn't even started yet and you already wanted to go back home and sleep. With a deep sigh, you walked over to your locker but as soon as you were about to enter your locker combination to grab your stuff, a pair of gloved hands covered your eyes.

"Hey, beautiful~" Kenny purred, the tone of his voice making you flush red. He moved his hands away from your eyes and wrapped his arms around you from behind, his head resting on your shoulder. "Why didn't you ride the bus? I was lonely, I was forced to sit with Butters..." He whined, which made Butters glare daggers at him. He was a few feet away so he had heard what Kenny said. Butters muttered a few words and walked away poor thing.

"Forced?" You questioned, you didn't understand what he meant. "Yeah, he just sat down next to me." He said nonchalantly. "I thought you and Butters were friends...?" You trailed off, raising an eyebrow. "We are but I wanted to sit with you~" He whined childishly, making you giggle. "I had a headache my head was pounding like hell this morning. My mom had to take me, I couldn't deal with all of the loud kids that ride our bus, especially Cartman, it would've made my headache worse." You explained.

"Now get off me, I need to grab my stuff. You added, he did as told, you grabbed all the stuff you needed and put them in your bag, slinging it over your shoulders. "Did you have fun last night?" Kenny asked, pulling you towards him by your hips. "To answer your question, yes I did." You answered, just then Kenny mashed his lips onto yours making you blush. You broke the kiss after a few seconds to get air back in your lungs.

"Kenny, people are staring..." You whimpered, feeling his lips place light kisses on your neck. "So? Let them, I don't give a fuck." He whispered against your neck before kissing your jaw lightly. "Kenny, seriously stop..." You whined again, pushing his chest lightly. "Okay, okay, I'll stop." He chuckled, pulling away from you.

"Oh wow, she is a slut, you were right Red." Bebe teased, leaning against the lockers beside you. Where the fuck did she come from? "Oh don't even, you have no room to fucking talk bitch." You growled, crossing your arms and glaring at Bebe. Kenny just stood there watching this go on. "Okay I may be a slut, but at least I'm not dating a man who can only afford poptarts for breakfast." Bebe retorted, okay now that was the last straw.

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