Chapter 11- Evils

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I quickly gulped up the fruits and ran as fast as I could to peek outside the window, I saw houses on fire, and heard continuos-non stop shrieks and cries. I looked up the sky, to see shadows appear, and thunders arising from each direction. The shadows looked like figures but I couldn't clearly see their features because the clouds were mostly covering them. I heard a knock at the door, I turned to David to see him gulp. He reached his hand out to the door knob while shivering and, opened..

"Nora!" I squealed, I was relieved it was her and not one of those shadowy things. "Come on! We have to go now before it's too late!" She shouted to David and I, we got into the carriage and flew away from the darkness. "Nora, what's going on?" I asked looking out of the window at the sky, "the Evils are returning, they awaited for your presence.. They are trying to kill you Loxy! And I, by no chance will let them do that." Nora answered me, fear locked in voice. My throat started to get dry, my heart pounded against my chest.

We stopped at the Willow tree, Nora waved her hands in the air, and glittery swirls magically whirled around the carriage and it turned into a shrub. "Woah! How'd you do that?!" I asked curiously, "there is no time to explain, we mustn't waste our time, we need you to get to the next riddle as fast as we can!" Her voice stern, I noticed that I was seeing a new part of Nora, not the jolly happy Nora anymore, but I understood why. We ran into the willows tree and I saw Misty waiting, "Misty!" I chirped, I ran up to her and hugged her.

"The answer to the riddle is hidden in the Land of the Evil. In order to get there you should avoid dangers, who knows, maybe you will end." Nora said as she turned her gaze to me, her voice, cold. I felt a tear drip down my chin, I didn't even know I shed one. "I will refrain that from happening, I will protect her." David said as he walked to my side. Nora nodded in reply. "I'm coming with you! I know where the Land of the Evil is." Misty said as she stared into my eyes. I was deep in thoughts, I can't let her come! It's too dangerous, I can't afford to loose another loved one, like my dad.. But I knew there was no option. "Then it's on!" I said as I balled my fists.

We followed Nora to the dining table, the dining table had a vase with a single flower. She gripped the vase and pulled it towards her. And once she heard a "click" she let go of it. Then an opening appeared beneath the table Nora once again waved her hands and the table moved out of the way. A lever, I thought.

We walked closer to the opening it was dark down there, Misty ran in front of us and created a ball of light using the tips of her fingers, you people have seriously got to teach me how to do that, I thought to myself. Misty was walking in front of us and David I and Nora followed close behind. We walked through the darkness, the only light source was Misty's glowing ball of.. Something I don't know. "This passageway was built by our ancestors, they built to create a way to travel to the lands secretly, but by now almost everyone forgot about it." Nora explained to us. Just when I thought the darkness would go on forever, I saw light!

I took a huge sigh of relief, "This is as far as I can go, I must go back and help the soldiers fight the Evils, take care sisters. Oh and David, keep them safe." Nora said, David nodded in reply. I felt sad as this may be my last time I see her. She wavered her hands and created the same glowing ball as Misty, and then walked back.

Ok, this is it, I thought. Misty took a deep breath and walked into the light opening..

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