Border Control

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Clarisse la Rue stood with border control. Ever since the war between the two Camps happened Chiron had immediately issued a border control to be made. Clarisse had nominated herself to lead. She had picked Percy Jackson to be second in command but he had left. In the end, Clarisse hired a quarter of the Apollo cabin as well as Chris Rodriguez. They watched for 6 hours each day. Two in the morning, two in the afternoon and two in the evening. Sometimes the rare hellhound or giant would stroll near the borders, all Clarisse had to do was shout and then charge. All that would be left was dust. Clarisse saw two people strolling along the borders, their faces unknown. They were wearing armour and one had the Roman SPGR tattoo on his arm. They also had their swords out.

"Romans." Clarisse gritted her teeth.

"INTRUDERS!" she yelled.

Arrows showered down at the two figures, hitting one of them in the back with a wet thunk.

"Stop!" shouted one of them shouted. "It's me! Percy Jackson."

Immediately the arrows stopped. A murmur started between the archers. "Percy?" "The hero?" The legendary Percy Jackson?"

Clarisse ran to Percy. She already knew who her archers had hit. Annabeth Chase! It had to be. But why was Percy here? Weren't they together at college in New Rome?


"Well maybe you should know better than to shoot my girlfriend." Percy countered.

"I AM GOING TO DESTROY YOU!" Clarisse jabbed him with Maimer. The shock hurt Percy, but also made him angrier.

"YOU SHOULD'VE BACKED OFF!" Percy yelled, water gathering above his head. He thrust his arms at Clarisse and the water smashed down on her. Slowly Percy blacked out.

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now