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I ran through the woods, wolves on my pursuit. I was weak. The thought of Camp Half-Blood and Annabeth kept on going in my mind. Annabeth... my Annabeth. I turned and saw the 10 wolves. Quickly, I shot 5 arrows from my bow, killing all of them. I took ofFLAf my hood and took out something I had been keeping since the day I left camp, 2 years ago.

It is a ring.

On one side there is a trident the other an owl.

A marriage ring, for Annabeth. I took it out and examined it. Without a thought I threw it into the lake. Damn you, Annabeth! I thought. I turned around and punched at tree. Quickly, I jumped to the side as it came falling down. Slowly I chopped it up and made a den.


 "Perseus, its me your father!" A man appeared in front of me.

 "What do you want... 'father'?" I growled.

 "You must go back to Camp Half-Blood. Your friends are in danger. Please, for the sake of your friends, return. Kronos is rising again, they need you." He disappeared.


I woke up startled at the dream. I picked up my bow and went to look for something to eat, when I realised I was outside the borders of Camp Half-Blood. Annoyed I walked through the barriers. I heard laughter coming from the Big House and a satyr walks out, clearly drunk. He looks over at me and his eyes widen.

"No witnesses." I mutter softly, pull out my bow and shoot him.

I threw his body back into the woods and walked swiftly to my cabin. Thats when I wondered why there were no campers around. Today was the day I left two years ago. They must think I'm dead and are having a celebration or funeral. Before I could go to where they probably were having the funeral (mess hall) a rumbling sound came from behind me and a crack opened in the ground opened. A figure with fire all over his body and lots of armour jumped out.

"I am Kronos X. The heir to the world. I will destroy the gods!" He screamed.

"Oh..." I casually said. I didn't want my friends to get hurt.

In Kronos X's rage at my casual statement he punched me and I flew back. I thought my back would break, but someone caught me. I turned around and saw Grover, Thalia, Jason, Piper and Leo.

"Go get 'em Perce!" They encourage, helping me to my feet.

I charge straight at the monster. My sword is a blur! Cut, Slash, Block, Stab. But slowly I was getting tired, Kronos X just kept on getting better.

"You foolish mortal! I will tear down all your friends!"

"I don't have friends," I said, and saw the shock on my friends face's," I only have family!" While Kronos X was distracted I stabbed him in the face and blood spurted everywhere. He quickly ran away and I dropped my sword and drew my bow. I fired an arrow off into the distance, and you could hear Kronos X's yelp.

My friends ran towards me and helped me up. Annabeth, holding Matt's hand appeared from the crowd.

"Whats happening- Oh gods!" her eyes widened when she saw me. I did my Lupa glare at her and she backed away. I saw something glistening in Matt's hand. I looked more closely and saw a scythe on it. Anger rose to my chest and I pounced onto him. I punched and punched and punched. Crack! I heard something break. Splat. Blood was all over my hands. I heard screaming, was it mine, Matt's or the crowds. Eventually, Annabeth managed to pull me away as Matt lay lifeless on the ground. I punched Annabeth and she flew to the ground screaming.

The someone stabbed me in the neck and I died.

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now