The Oracle Speaks Again

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Rachel Elizabeth-Dare is the new oracle since the curse over the old one was lifted. Rachel was always involved in stuff that included art or charity. Also, she wasn't even a child of a god, she was just a mortal that had the gift to see through the magical barrier that separates the mortal world to the Greek one. Rachel had met Percy at Hover Dam, which involved a weird encounter neither of them like to discuss.

"Rachel!" Percy said, pulling her into a hug, "I missed you."

"I missed you too Percy!" pulling out of the hug after seeing Annabeth standing uncomfortably next to them.

"Annabeth, its a pleasure." Rachel said cooly.

"Rachel." Annabeth replied, "Hows the oracle going?"

"Fine thanks."

Suddenly Rachel doubled over like someone had punched her in the stomach. When she got back up, her eyes were glowing and mist was coming out of her mouth.

He shall leave in a fury,

Guilt and shame,

Though he must hurry,

His shame to fame one again.

They shall unite to do whats right,

to find and retrive.

The guardian has lived long,

A melody of lone.

Rachel suddenly collapsed to the floor, knocked unconscious by the energy drained from her due to the new prophecy. Annabeth and Percy shivered, after all the prophecies they had been through it had made them scared of them. Together they dragged Rachel back up, pushing through the vines, they placed her back on her bed. There feet put mud on the purple carpet, but then magically disappeared.

"Lets go back to the Big House." Annabeth suggested.

"I think not Ms. Chase," said Chiron, "You will sleep in your old cabins, you are currently at my camp, so you will follow my rules."

They opened their mouths to protest, but Chiron had made his decision. Annabeth and Percy separated, going to their old cabins.

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