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Percy woke up.

He had been having a dream, a nightmare to be precise, his mother being held by an evil force. Seeing that made Percy's heart ache, since the Minotaur incident. He was always very protective over his mother, especially to people like Gabe Ugliano.

Percy looked up and saw Rick Root, his new brother staring down at him.

"Rick! Your up, wanna go do some training in the arena?"

"Sure, as long as you don't kick my butt really fast. There is a reason they call you one of the best swordsmen at camp." Rick requested.

"Thanks." Percy said, then muttered,"The best swordsmen was Luke."

Rick went over to his bag and picked out a wicked looking dagger and tapped the bottom of the hilt. Instantly it grew to a big but light celestial bronze sword, like Percy's, Riptide.

"Nice sword, bro." Percy complemented. He took out his pen from his pocket and uncapped it, growing it to full size.

"This was a gift from dad. I call it hagios." Rick grinned and gestured for them to go.

Somehow Percy knew that the name of the sword meant "holy". Together, they walked down to the arena. Lights were on in most of the cabins. Satyrs were sitting on benches talking nervously and glancing at Percy. Percy was used to people being like that, but somehow this felt different... like they were nervous if he would start chopping of people's heads. Eventually they reached the arena.

Percy looked at Rick, "You ready?" He readied his sword.

"Me? Ready? You must be kidding." He jabbed towards Percy.

Percy had been excepting it. He parried and thrust forward. Unfortunately, Rick was strong on his feet, and held his ground. They locked swords, Rick struggling to keep his sword up. Percy used a little trick Luke had taught him when he had just arrived. He twisted and put his hilt behind Rick's hilt. Rick's sword went flying into the corner.

"Dude. Teach me everything you know." Rick begged.

"Sorry, dude. You need a pro. I am not a pro."

Rick looked disappointed, but seemed to understand. It was getting towards the time when people were going to breakfast.

"Lets go to breakfast."


Night time.

"Yo, Malcom, you know where Annabeth is?" Percy asked.

"Yeah. She's down at the beach... But you might not want to go there." He shifted uncomfortably.

Percy wondered why Malcom sounded strange."Nah, I'll go."

Percy walked down to the beach, and immediately heard some sort of snogging sounds. It must be that new kid Matt, everyday a new girl. Percy walked out of the clearing and saw Matt with...


They were kissing. At that moment the world spun upside down. All the grief he had been through with Annabeth, all the quests they had been on together washed away. He willed the sea to rise, making a huge wave above the two.

"P..Percy?" Annabeth stammered, holding onto Matt.

"Stop this right now Jackson." Matt held up his sword.

"You have no right to call me "Jackson". Get your new boyfriend to save you Annabeth!" And with tears streaming down his face he threw the water down.

Perseus Jackson was going to leave forever.

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now