Following Following Following

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Each head of each cabin had met at the Big House. Rachel Elizabeth-Dare was standing next to Chiron, who had a big bandage on his head. It was Leo Valdez who spoke first.

"So... Where is Annabeth?"

"She is not head anymore, since she went to Camp Jupiter." Chiron replied, wincing from the pain in his head.

"How could Annabeth do this? How could she anger Percy enough to make him leave?" said Katie Gardiner, head of the Dementer cabin.

"Because of Matt Jones, my dear." Dionysus appeared out of nowhere, standing behind Katie.

"This.. This is not the Annabeth I know." declared Butch, since he was good friends with her.

"Unfortunately, it is" Dionysus replied.

"What do we do? He said not to follow him." Will Solace asked.

"We must hold Annabeth in a cell, then find Percy." Chiron said.

And no one objected.


Annabeth was reading as usual. Sitting on her bunk with her face buried into the book , Greek History. She didn't even notice the Ares and Apollo kids that barged in.

"Annabeth Cha-" a new camper, Andrew of Apollo started.

"Go away." Annabeth gloomily replied.

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Sherman, a son of Ares, grabbed her by the arm.

Instantly Annabeth stood up and twisted his wrist. He could see the anger in her eyes.

"Don't ever threaten me again."

"Hey! Get your hands off him." Andrew threw his spear with all his might, the end knocking her out cold. Sherman fell to the floor clutching his wrist, which was already turning purple. The door burst open, three Apollo kids medics rushed in and started tending to Sherman. Clarisse also came in. She picked up Annabeth and walked out.


They took Annabeth to the Hypnos Cabin and laid her in a bed in a separate room. They closed the door and locked it.
Clarisse turned to a Hypnos camper and said, "Nobody comes in without my permission punk."
The Hypnos camper nodded and stood next to the door. He had already been beaten up by Clarisse before, he didn't plan on angering her again.
"What's your name, punk?" Clarisse asked.
"Ol.. Oliver McLain." Oliver replied nervously.
"You got spirit." And Clarisse left the room.
"Leo, Jason, Piper and Clarisse will search for Percy." Chiron said, stroking his beard.
"I know just how to find him, you see I have tracking devices on all of the seven. Just in case." Leo exclaimed, earning dirty looks from everyone.
"But Percy's message said not to follow him! Is this wise?" Piper said.
"We need Pe-" Jason started.
"My tracker on him just turned off." Leo nervously announced.
"Which means?" Clarisse said.
"It's impossible for him to take it off, you need a laser cutter."
"So what if it stops?"
" It only stops when the person it's attached to heart stops beating."
"Percy... Is dead?" Piper and Jason said together.
" I believe so."

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now