Beautiful Sunset

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Percy gathered up his stuff from cabin 3. Rick was sleeping, not having a clue about what was going on. Percy liked Rick, he was cool. He was sad to leave him. Percy got out a pen and paper and wrote a note:

Dear Rick,

I am leaving camp, please tell Annabeth, and the rest of the seven to read this. I am leaving because of Annabeth, she has cheated on me.

Annabeth; you have ruined my life. I hate you as much as I hate Gaia. You should not have cheated on me, and don't try to reason with me or find me.

Everyone else; You guys are awesome and I am sad to leave you guys. Please don't go looking for me. And bye.

Rick; You are the best brother ever, I love you. But sadly I have to leave you as well. Bye.


Percy Jackson.


Percy put his sword in his hand and marched out of the cabin.

"Goodbye Camp Half-Blood."

He walked down towards Thalia's Tree and stopped to rest. He was about to walk out of the boundaries, when a voice behind him said "Going somewhere?"

Chiron was standing behind him. Percy released his sword.

"Yes, I am leaving." Percy said, eyeing his old tutor.

"I'm afraid I can't let that happen." Chiron fired his bow, an arrow piercing into Percy arm.

"Arghh. You traitor." Percy slashed out. but Chiron easily dodged.

"Nice try, hero. But you've got to d-" Percy waked Chiron in the middle of his forehead with the flat of his blade. Chiron fell down, trying to get up. But Percy slashed at his forehead, giving Chiron a good sized gash. Finally, Percy hit his head with his hilt, knocking Chiron out.

"You were saying?" Percy walked past the boundaries, and into the beautiful sunset.


"What have you done, Annabeth?" Jason shouted.

"He was your best friend." screamed Piper.

"I don't care about him." Annabeth said.

"He cared about you!" Leo told her, waving his arms.

"I DON'T CARE." Annabeth punched Jason in the face, knocking him clean out. Leo tackled her and started hitting Annabeth, who felt nothing. She easily pushed leo back up.

"I don't care about him, or you guys."

"How could you say that, Annabeth" Piper sadly said.

"Hey, leave her alone." Matt Jones appeared out of nowhere and blocked them.

"You traitor Annabeth." Leo screamed. He had had enough. Leo lashed out at Matt, winding him. Matt fell down clutching his stomach. "You're not much better, Jones."

Annabeth got up and kicked Leo, who ducked and grabbed her leg.

"Nice try Wise Girl." Leo flipped Annabeth over his shoulder, landing on top of Matt.

"Come on Pipes, lets take Jason to the infirmary." Together they lifted Jason up and walked out.


Matt crawled to his feet and picked up something special he needed.

And it was a silver locket.

With a scythe.

And walked towards the beautiful sunset.

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now