Camp Half-Blood

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Annabeth woke up on a bed in a blue building. Lying next to her was her boyfriend, Percy. Annabeth had been thinking about Percy for along time. They're relationship didn't really work out. She wanted someone who stayed with her. Percy would always be her friend, but they weren't meant for each other. Athena had warned her that Percy will suffer if the built a life together. She had been thinking about the warning for ages, not wanting Percy to suffer. Finally, Annabeth had decided that the two of them wouldn't work out. She just did not know how to say it.

"Percy..." Annabeth said, shaking him.

"Blue... yummy... cookies..." Percy muttered, then jerked awake."Oh... sorry Annabeth. I remember, you were shot in the back."

That was when Annabeth realised the pain in her back. "I'm fine." Annabeth was about to tell Percy about their relationship when Chiron burst into the Infirmary.

"Hello there, heroes. Somebody wishes to meet you. And yes I know about your little quest." he said.

"Who wants to meet us Chiron?" Percy asked.

"Me, not us. She only wishes to meet you."

"Both or none, Chiron, my former trainer." Percy glared at him.

"Fine, but be warned."

They walked out of the big house, Percy and Annabeth holding hands. Once they walked out the door, Percy felt good. He recognised all the buildings, it seemed like nothing had changed since they had left. They saw all the cabins, just looking at Cabin 3 made him feel relaxed. He wondered if they had removed his Minatour horn, or the saltwater fountain. There were other campers sitting on benches sharpening swords, playing cards and just chilling. A few saw him and whispered: "Is that Percy Jackson?" "The Percy Jackson?" "The one who turned down immortality?" Percy got used to it, sometimes he enjoyed the attention sometime he hated it. For some reason he felt like Annabeth was not engaging with him more. She always seemed to be in a far away land.

Annabeth looked around at all the cabins. She saw her brother, Malcom standing outside the Athena cabin. He waved at her and she waved back. She was still holding Percy's hand, pretending to be happy. But really she was worried and sad, she did not want to leave Percy, but she had to. Thats when she spotted Matt Jones. He had really big muscles and a face that no girl could resist. He had dark black hair that fell coolly down his head, which was clean and clearly had been washed. Annabeth saw lots of girls swarming around him, tugging his shirt. He was busy talking to the girls when he spotted Annabeth. Matt winked at her, then signalled you. me. here. later. Annabeth nodded and winked back then turned away.

"You okay Annabeth? You look really sweaty and your face is red." Percy asked.

"I'm fine." She replied, but not with lots of emotion. She had instantly fell in love with Matt. Hoping that he would be the right boy for her, unlike Percy.

Eventually they reached a cave with vines hanging over the front. A girl with read hair came out, brushing the vines out of her face.

"Hello, Percy." she casually said, inviting them in.

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