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I woke up in the dark. Suddenly the lights turned on and I was in the Underworld, by the river Styx. Charon, or a man life Charon stood in front of me.

"Perseus Jackson. You can step aboard my ferry, you are hero of Olympus after all. No payment required." He greeted me. I walked up and stood at the back of the boat. I already felt it, I don't belong here. My daggers, bow and sword had all been taken or dissolved while I was dying. A gift from Athena, tied to my life force. But thats a story for another time. (A/N *wink* prequel *wink*)

I felt sick by the time I reached the shores of the Underworld. I got directed to Elysium and when I got there I was speechless. It looked amazing! Lamps hanging from ceilings lit up the place. You could hear countless other heroes laughing and the chink of glass kept happening. It was bigger than any satyr party I had been to. Then I realised I could see all my fallen friends. Bekendorf, Silena, Zoe and so many others. Happily I strolled over and saw Bekendorf and Silena kissing by the fire. Zoe stood next to them grimacing while laughing.

"Hi, guys!" I cleared my throat.

"PERCY!!! HOW?" they all ran and hugged me.

And I realised I was gonna have a good time down here!

Percy Jackson, When Everything Goes WrongWhere stories live. Discover now