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What truly was the friendship between Naru and Sakura.

Sakura asked herself this question, she felt undervalued, she felt unwanted and used, mostly used and it hurt her so bad, it broke her heart and made everything hurt even more because it didn't make sense to her.

She had given him what Naru had, yet she still was tossed aside like a peice of garbage on the road.

Sakura felt envy stir up in her stomach and her body, rage moved through her veins, she was watching the love of her life laughing with Naru while they packed to return to Konoha.

She couldn't stand it, it wasn't fair to her, she gripped the straps of her backpack and silently scoffed glaring at Naru who ran ahead to Sai.

Sakura couldn't even look Sasuke in the eye, she just couldn't at all, she was angered at herself yet she still hoped he would look at her with admiration somehow he would find a way to love her as she did to him.

Since their childhood until now she watched him admire Naru, when the stupid blonde would get a jutsu wrong he was by her side, they had a stupid rivalry that somehow was bringing them closer and closer.

While Sakura stood at the sidelines like an idiot, gushing over Sasuke and looking desperate for attention.

A smirk came on her lips, but he had somehow desired her, that's why he had slept with her, that small opening was all she needed, that was the green light she wanted the whole time.

Because now Naru and her were even, she just had to play her cards right to get what she wanted.



"Hurry up." Sasuke said in a flat tone, she smiled and walked towards him.

"I'm glad this mission is over." Sakura said with a straight face, Sasuke looked away his eyes on the tree around them.

"It felt more like a test, I didn't get the point of it all." Sasuke mumbled glancing at Naru.

Naru was walking backwards while speaking to Sai, a smile on her face, she waved her hands about while speaking and seemed to laugh at something Sai had said.

Sasuke felt slightly jealous, it seemed she was closer to Sai, he didn't like it one bit, so he looked away when she glanced at him, Sakura furrowed her eyebrows when Naru let out a loud yelp.

Sasuke turned back to her and Naru was falling towards the ground, Sai had tried to catch her but he missed and he also stumbled falling onto her, he straddled her on all fours his hands near her head, she laid between his body her eyes wide.

Sasuke saw red, he had control, he had composure so he kept a straight face and diverted his eyes from everything that was about to make him pierce someone's heart with a chidori.

"You are so clumsy Naru!" Sakura yelled out walking towards the two who were awkwardly sitting beside each other, their faces rosy as they blushed.

"Goodness, who said walking backwards was a good idea?"

"I'm sorry, I just..." Naru said in a low tone, she glanced at Sasuke who walked passed them his eyes diverted away from her, she slumped her shoulders and bowed her head low.

"Sorry Sai." Naru said slowly rising to her feet, Sai rose to his feet and smiled shaking his head.

"It's okay."

"The sun is about to set, we should set camp somewhere." Sakura said with a rather pleased smile, Naru nodded and they walked on in complete silence.

The campfire was lit between  the team sitting around it, Naru kept her eyes on the blazing flame her eyes moving towards Sasuke, he sat beside Sakura who leaned closer to him her eyes trained ahead.

"I need to use the bathroom." Naru said slowly rising to her feet, she walked away her eyes cast low.

A few moments passed and Naru had not came back, Sasuke silently rose to his feet and walked away his eyes shifted to Sai who was now trying to roast the fish he had caught in the duration of Naru vanishing on them.

Sasuke kept walking through the forest, he looked around and leaped onto a tree branch, he squinted staring far ahead until he spotted a silhouette near the river stream.

Sasuke moved towards the stream at a fast speed, he landed down behind a tree and peaked through it, relief washed over his body when he walked towards Naru.

"You really took your time huh?"

"Lost my way to the camp."

"Didn't Sai come here to catch some fish?"

"He caught that upstream not here, I've been alone here." Naru mumbled staring at the stars in the sky, Sasuke silently nodded and stepped closer to her.

"You okay?"

"I thought you were I don't know pissed at me."

"Maybe." Sasuke said shrugging his shoulders, Naru glanced at him and her eyes moved over his face.

"You don't seem to like Sai huh?"

"Hn." Sasuke said before he folded his arms on his chest, his eyes darkened and Naru smiled.

"Are you jealous of him?"

"I don't do well talking about my emotions." Sasuke said in a blunt manner, Naru let out a small laugh and playfully punched his shoulder.

"Oh come on Sasu, you can't be that stone cold, you must have something towards me, jelly."

"I am not jealous, of what, there's nothing to be jealous of!" Sasuke snapped in irritation, he looked away his eyes on the still water.

"Okay, I believe you, it's okay to feel such emotions time to time."

"Can you drop it?!" Sasuke yelled at Naru, she laughed out loud her hands were on her mouth.

"I mean he does have much more social skills with women."

"Look if you don't shut up!"

"Then what?" Naru asked with a smirk, she eyed him and laughed once again pointing at his face.

"You look so stupid right now, you really are jealous!"

"Naru!" Sasuke yelled out again, he moved closer to her and she went silent her eyes wide.

Sasuke walked closer and she walked backwards, she kept going trying to avoid him until her back touched a tree trunk, she placed her hands on his chest trying to push him back but he took them in his hands and pinned them on the tree behind her, just above her head.

"You are mine, why would I be jealous of something I already own."

"You don't own me!"

"But Naru..." Sasuke said in a husky voice, his lips curled into a sadistic smile when he leaned close to her face.

Naru closed her eyes tightly and drew her eyebrows together, she felt her face heating up, her body trembled and her heart beat like a drum, she wondered if he could hear it, his breathe brushed his pink lips.

Sasuke watched her reacting to him, she slowly opened his eyes when he pulled away, Sasuke placed his hand around her neck and gently pushed her against the tree trunk.

"I do, Naru, I do." He said before he winked at her and moved away, he walked away waving his hand.

"Come on now, since you are lost let's get back to camp." Sasuke said walking away, Naru blinked a few times and placed her hands on her face, she slowly moved down to crouch and shook her head.

"Damn you Uchiha." She said to herself shaking her head.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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