2020 pt2

484 19 20

-Twelfth day of quarantine-

I woke up with the sign of a Felix burying his head in my neck and releasing small murmurs while sleeping peacefully, as if he never wanted to get out of there.

I noticed that our bodies were impossibly glued to each other. Felix had his leg on top of mine and I had my arm turning his entire waist not letting him escape even if he wanted to.

I noticed from the light through the curtains that it was already morning but no matter what time it is, I'm not ready to leave the cutest boy in the whole world that is clinging into me like his life depends on it.

So I chose to close my eyes again, without having the audacity to take another look at Felix in my arms for fear of waking him up.

The next time I woke up, I was practically still sleeping but I realized that Felix no longer had his head buried in my neck, instead, it was on top of my chest.

He kept his leg on top of my legs and had his arm around my belly and waist.

He was still sleeping peacefully while murmuring things that even if I got as close to his mouth, I couldn't get the chance to be able to hear and understand. Felix was so cute.

It only took a few seconds until I went back to sleep.

But I wasn't prepared to wake up like that or that way.

The next time I woke up, Felix was in another position, and so was I.

We were spooning, and it's obvious that Felix had to be the little spoon.

But it doesn't stop there, oh no.

I don't know at what time or if I was responsible for this happening, but Felix's shirt was a little raised, maybe half of his belly was now, showing.

And my hand was there. Stroking his belly as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

It may not seem like a big deal. A normal thing among friends who ended up sleeping together.

Normal, a bed big enough for each one to sleep on one side opposite each other but no, we were glued to each other using not even half the bed.

Normal, Felix's shirt ended up lifting a little at night for moving while sleeping, and I, his great friend, putting my hand on his naked skin, on his defined abdomen.

Normal, I consequently caress, lightly, with my fingers on his belly. Stroking slowly as if I was cuddling a dog's belly.

Normal, Felix completely glued to my body. With his ass perfectly fitted into mine, so welcome, boner.

Normal, I have an erection for my friend.

It was everything but normal.

I've been through this so many times. It's not completely my fault that I wake up with a morning boner, after all, it's very common for all men.

With each second passing, I feel my dick twitch at the thought of having Felix ass pressed against me.

It feels so good. Painfully good.

Painfully because all I want now is to kiss Felix, touch Felix, give Felix pleasure, feel Felix around me.

I'm getting overwhelmed just by the thought of what it should be like inside Felix.

But this is Felix we are talking about.

Felix. The most sincere guy there is.

Felix. The cutest guy in the world.

must have been a deadly kiss, only love can hurt like this // hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now