2020 pt12

420 18 20

After Hyunjin asked the waiter for the bill, Felix was quick to order an extra ice cream of salted milk to takeaway. The flavor that Hyunjin had ordered first and that reminded Hyunjin way too much of his cum buried on Felix's mouth. The waiter, unlike the first time, was quick to bring the ice cream in a plastic bag and the bill.

Hyunjin couldn't stop thinking about Felix's naked body covered in ice cream as he ran his tongue through all the liquid, trying to leave the body of the youngest without any trace of the sweet. God, he would put an amount in Felix's ass, in Felix's thigh, in Felix's cock, in Felix's hole, in Felix's nipple. Hyunjin was trying to stop thinking about it because it was starting to hurt to get so hard the way he was.

"Let's split up," Felix said so naturally that Hyunjin wondered if he was as affected as he was.

"What?" horror was clear in Hyunjin's voice when he realized what Felix had said. Split up. Why would Felix say something like that? Hyunjin thought about what he had done wrong to make the other say such thing.

"The check, baby" Felix smiled when he saw that Hyunjin was in another world and then looked at the bill in the hands of the eldest.

"Oh-no, no, I'll pay," Hyunjin said when he finally found himself in the conversation. Felix clearly realized the way Hyunjin released a sound of relief and chuckled about it.

"No, let's split it," Felix smirked "That's the right way to say it, right?! Sorry, i'm still learning, 'ya' know..." he faked a cry.

It's not the first time Felix pretends not to know how to speak korean correctly just to tease the elder, and it certainly won't be the last, but Hyunjin grow used to it by now, so it almost doesn't affect him, at least that's what he tries to make Felix believe, which he obviously don't.

"Bullshit" the elder simply said "and no, we won't split it" he fake smiled to Felix. They don't have time to this. Hyunjin don't have time to this.

But Hyunjin should know better than thinking that Felix would let him pay the whole bill alone — not that it had been expensive, for God's sake they had ice cream, sharing the bill would be even a little embarrassing in Hyunjin's vision. Hyunjin made a mental note that he would take the freckle boy out in a fancy restaurant, like a real date.

Knowing that Felix never felt like letting others pay for him, usually 'fighting' to see who pays the full bill with Chan and Minho (who always like to pay when they go out with Felix), Hyunjin knew that Felix will not accept so easily for the other to pay the check, even though it is an amount of money as small as this, so the moment Felix opened his mouth to protest again, the oldest was faster:

"How about this," Hyunjin started "I pay this check alone and you pay me in another way later" was what came out of Hyunjin's mouth when thinking of a solution so that he could pay and leave this place as soon as possible.

Felix was taken aback, that's for sure, and Hyunjin considered it a win, so he couldn't help the smile that showed on his lips.

"Fine" was all that came out of Felix's mouth with a tone that Hyunjin could distinguish with a 'I'm trying to make my voice stable so you can't really realize that I'm flustered' after all, he has this tone every time he talks to the younger. So Hyunjin really considered it as a win. Felix is always confident in his answers but this time he couldn't even formulate a full sentence.

The two almost jumped out of the chair when they heard Felix's phone start ringing, in which he was quick to see who could be calling him at 11PM — it was Chan. They both shared a look and Felix picked up.

"Hi Channie Hyung" Felix said with his voice full of natural softness, he was smiling as he always does when he starts talking to a member, but that smile ended after a few seconds of call, leaving the eldest confused.

must have been a deadly kiss, only love can hurt like this // hyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now