06, Summer Heat.

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Summer Heat.

Season One, Episode Four. Part One


It was the Fourth of July and Penelope woke up excited. Penelope loved the Fourth of July for the sole reason that everyone hung out together. She wasn't very patriotic but she loved to be around the people she loves.

Penelope was downstairs finishing up her cereal. She was talking with Jeremiah and Belly about what would happen today, "Can I finish your milk?" 

She nodded and grabbed the bowl, "Here." She found it disgusting how he drank the milk, but she ignored it. He hummed and grabbed it from her. 

He began drinking it and Conrad and Dean walked in, Conrad looked at him with a grimace, "Yo, I'm gonna go wash the clams. Did you get the lighter fluid?" He pointed to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah hummed, "Yeah, It's already on the beach." Conrad whistled and walked out to the backyard.

Steven and Susannah walked in, Steven was just with her. They were doing his portrait, "Are we done with the portrait yet?" Steven looked back at Susannah. 

She nodded, "Yeah, for today. But you do look good in a dress shirt, Steven." Susannah pointed at him as he opened the fridge. "Which makes me think, if Belly doesn't hurry up and ask Cam to that ball, you should take her."

Belly protested, "Ew. No way."

"No, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm already going with Shayla." Steven shook his head at Susannah as he brought his cup of milk over to the island.

"To the debutante ball?" Laurel walked in with Lydia. They were grabbing stuff for Susannah. 

Steven laughed and groaned at the same time, "Yes." He nodded his head at his mom, looking down at the floor.

"As an escort?" Laurel looked confused. Before Steven met Shayla he would have never agreed to going to a ball.

Steven began to use his hands to explain, "Wrap your head around it, Mom, all right?" He took a seat down, "Shayla's coming today with Nicole and Gigi, so you'll meet her." he grinned at his home.

Lydia shrugged, "That's wonderful!"

Susannah smiled and looked at the two girls, "Oh, and don't forget, Ms. Covington's first dance rehearsal is tomorrow, so, uh, tick-tock." she pointed at them.

"I'm asking Cam today." Belly smiled.

"What about you P? Are you gonna take that guy you went out with on Belly's birthday?" Susannah looked at the girl with raised eye brows.

Belly and Jere both looked over at her. Penelope explained to Belly what happened when they came back from dropping Lila and Taylor off. Penelope gave Susannah a small smile, "Uh, no. It didn't really work out between the two of us."

Lydia sighed, "I'm sorry sweetie, why didn't you tell us?"

Penelope shrugged, "It wasn't anything serious anyway. I didn't like him that much. He smelled like really bad, he used axe body spray." She gagged. The smell of axe body spray is absolutely revolting.

That made all three moms laugh with each other and Laurel said, "I barely know these kids anymore!" Susannah and Lydia nodded at her.

When Susannah turned to look at Laurel she did a double take, "Wait, are you wearing makeup?"

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