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So, I know I didn't post and I'm sorry. School was being shitty and my private life is a little complicated. And also I have corona and summer break starts next week so I could literally cry right now but oh well- Enjoy^^

Well, TW again... I'm not gonna say what it is this time, it's just my 'casual' stuff ig.


POV Nick:
I walked into the classroom and saw some dude standing there. He's tall, but slightly shorter than me. He has light skin, brown, curly hair and dark, brown eyes.

He looked a little lost so I decided to walk over to him and talk to him. "Hey mate, you good? You seem kinda lost." I stated making him laugh slightly. "Yea. I am... I'm new. My name's Jonathan, but you can just call me John." He said smiling and we shook hands. We talked a little and then charlie came from behind hugging me.

"Oh hi, you're the new guy Tao told me about. I'm Charlie, we'll have maths together." Charlie said smiling at him. "Johnathan, John for short. I've heard from you already. Please don't mind me just asking but is it true that you're gay or is it just some rumor?" He said, trying not to sound homophobic. Charlie and I looked at each other and then back to John. Charlie told him that those 'rumors' were true. John just smiled, took Chars hand and shook it. Turns out he wasn't homophobic, he was actually really supportive.

He sat with us in form and we hung out during break. Harry was actually fine as well, no more homophobia. After my coming out in Paris I started to spend way more time with them and they got to realize that being gay, or in my case being bi, isn't something bad. I'm glad about that, rugby practice would be really awkward otherwise haha.

I started to notice Charlie and John getting really close and I didn't like it that much. John had such a weird sense of humor.. a weirdly pervert way.

Everytime he tells Charlie a joke he'd laugh and then grab his shoulder, his arm or his thigh. Charlie would always slightly snap his hand away and afterwards tell me how uncomfortable he made him feel.

We tried to avoid him and I helped Charlie out of uncomfortable situations. We don't know why he did that, something like that is just really inappropriate. You can't just touch someone without their consent.

Charlie and I hung out on the weekend and I got sick. I got a cold, so I can't go to school. Knowing that Charlie's might gonna be alone with that weirdo John gives me chills.

POV Charlie:
I'm walking into the classroom, looks like John is already waiting for me. He waves and I just awkwardly smile at him before sitting down next to him. We talk a little till he lays his hand on my thighs.

I look at him and just snap. "O.M.G. can you stop that?! I told you I don't like this but you just keep touching me! That's sexual harassment, you know?!" I glare at him. No one else is in the room, so he isn't even exposed or humiliated or whatever. He just stares back at me.

A smile builds on his lips which slowly turns into and smirk. I look deep into his brown eyes and shivers run down my spine. I see nothing. It's like he's got no soul.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into the side closet, that's where we keep stuff like our broom, towels, spare papper or some other shit.

He covered my mouth as I tried to scream for help. I got scared, Nick wasn't here, who's gonna help me now? Tao and the others aren't in my form class.

Tears build in my eyes as I stare down at me, looking at his hands that  slowly slit into my pants. I just silently cry. I'm not trying to fight him, I know I can't. I can just hope this will be over soon.

Why the fuck am I so stupid?! Why did I have to be so early?! I scolded myself before feeling his touch on my private parts. I froze, and started shaking uncontrollably. He looks at me disgusted and then rolls his eyes. "With you shaking like a pussy it's just half as fun." He tells me while he continued the torture.

He was about to actually rape me but then stopped. "I'm gonna do this some other time, when I can really enjoy it. You better sleep with one eye open, babe." and with that, he kisses me one more time before getting out.

He pulls me out and grabs me by the collar "Tell anyone and I'll make you're life a living hell."  He whispers in my ear as he lets go and walks to his seat.

The school day was horrible, I was terrified of what would have happened. My friends kept asking me what was wrong, because I obviously acted different, but I didn't dare to tell them a single word.

POV Nick:
I'm feeling better again so I decided to go to Charlie, my cold's almost gone, I only sneeze sometimes or feel tired. Charlie isn't home yet, but his sister was so she let me in. She was about to go to her friends house, so I got lucky to catch her before leaving.

I sat down on his bed, wanting to suprise him, but when he entered the room I was the one who was surprised. He was crying slightly and as he saw me he just ran to me and hugged me tightly. I wanted to know what was wrong, but I decided to wait before asking.

A few minutes after he stopped crying and sobbing I asked him. He told me everything and also that he wasn't supposed to do so. I comforted him and stuff. I acted calm. But I was furious and I already had my plans.


The next day at school I told the rugby boys. They like Charlie and they, just as I expected, beat the shit out of John. I'm not much of a fighter but it was great to watch. We were around him and I spat on him "Don't ever dare to touch charlie again."

Charlie and his parents made up an appointment with the principal and Jonathan was expelled. He didn't say something about getting beaten up. They made sure he wouldn't.

Maybe it was a bit to much to beat him up? But he almost raped charlie after all.. I think he deserves it...


Did he deserve that? I think he did, what about you Guys? I hope you 'enjoyed' reading hehe.
Word count: 1141

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