12. What The Fuck

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I quickly stood up and followed him into the living room, "what is this shit about?" I snapped at him, he slowly turned around and kissed me gently before he pulled away "your confusing me Mike" I sighed before I tried to kiss him but he pulled away, I groaned slightly before I walked back into my room

"what the fuck?" jules shouted seeing me coming back out of my room "what?" I asked him "what was that noise?" he asked and I shrugged before I looked around to see no sign of Mike

"where did Mike go?" I asked him before he looked at me like I was dumb "hooker, he left as soon as you went into your room" he answered and I once again got a lump in my throat "what happened" he asked me as my eyes filled up with tears

"honestly I don't even know, I just woke up and he-" I stopped speaking when we heard noises coming from just outside our apartment before we heard a man groaning which is when we investigated

"hey" Chad said like nothing happened, I slowly pulled him up and then jules decided to help, after I gave him the 'help me' look "oh shit" jules said before I noticed a blood trail from our door to the elavator, jules gave me a look before I rolled my eyes and made my way down into the elavator just to see Mike's unconscious body leading me to scream before I touched his face.

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