Chapter 19

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A week had gone by without any further drama, making it one month in total since you had last seen your—

You didn't know what to call Billy and Stu anymore. The latter had tried to get in touch with you one more instance, but you couldn't get yourself to answer, and even went as far as blocking his number, which hurt a lot more than it was supposed to. All you could think about when you thought about them, was lies.

"My brother was a lotta things and maybe too invested," Martha had told you before you she lead you and Emma out of her apartment minutes after the big reveal. "But he couldn't ever do anything cruel. Believe me (Y/N), Randy'd never wanna hurt any of his friends. Take care of yourself and call me if ya need anything else!"


You didn't even want to think about lies right now, but it all came flooding to your mind in an instant. Lies. Lies. Lies. The two men you trusted the most had fed lies to you, knowingly, willingly and without remorse.

You shook your head, hoping that with it, you could shake them away. You needed to focus. Focus
on your computer screen, focus on scrolling through a plethora of various newspapers written by Jed Olsen, every single one of them written in such gruesome details that it got you to visibly sweat.

Everything he described was just horrible, unthinkable even. But what was even worse was how you found yourself becoming utterly obsessed with the Ghost Face. You were becoming obsessed with every case involving him. You couldn't stop yourself from typing everything relevant about the killer into your search bar, reading articles about him until deep in the night or early mornings.

It was because of this that your friendship with Jed became all the more important to you. Some mornings you'd sit together with him, talking almost exclusively about the Ghost Face, and almost every time, there was this strange gleam to the reporter's eyes. You couldn't put a finger on what the gleam meant, but was that really important when you were enjoying spending your time with him?

And besides Jed, you still had Emma to count on. You two had come to a mutual agreement that she was to stay over at your place every weekend for the time being. Arlo, naturally, was no longer welcome. In no uncertain terms did you make this clear when you told her the next time he set a foot in your house, would be the last time he could use that foot.

You exhaled and swiped your forehead with the back of your hand as if you just finished running a marathon, too full to stomach any more, for now. The only reason you had read so many was because you needed to push through, but you certainly had reached your limit for the night.

Putting the laptop away, your (H/C) hair brushed against your neck as you used your breath to blow the loose strands away from your face before plonking down on the king sized bed.

Yep, nothing else occured the past seven days. Except that ever since you had awoken to the sound of something falling over downstairs, you had the constant feeling of being watched. You should have grown used to it by now, but this felt different.

Like there were eyes peering into every muscle and vein you owned. The feeling any prey would have when there was a predator lurking in the shadows, if you will.

It almost drove you insane because each and every time you glanced around, nothing seemed out of the ordinary and no one seemed to be looking your way.

Despite that, you just couldn't shake that awful feeling off.

The only positive thing that came out of the whole ordeal was your new friendship. It was because of that one experience not long after you moved to Roseville that you had found another person you could confide in, but even that was only half true because on the flip side, Jed was the reason why Billy lost his marbles that night.

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