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-Meliodas' POV-

It knocked on my door, making me speak "Yes?"

"It's time to go." Zel said. I sighed and got up from my desk, grabbing my phone and earphones on the way to open the door.

"Dad is already in the car."

I nodded and we both walked downstairs. I pulled my shoes on and didn't care about my jacket as I got out and sat down in the car.

"Took you long enough." Dad mumbled, making me mutter a small sorry as I plugged my headphones in. I put on my playlist and just started listening to music.

Zel was seated already on the other side of the car. I stared out the window as the driver started driving to the restaurant.

It didn't take much longer than a half hour before we arrived at a fancy restaurant. We got out of the car and Zel and I followed dad inside. A waiter showed us to a table and we sat down. We got a couple minutes to look through the menu and as usually, as soon as dad decided, we had to tell what we wanted too.

"So, why are we eating in a restaurant?" I asked as the waiter left. Dad cleared his throat, saying "We are going to talk some business now."

Of course... everything is about his company and money... always...

"What is it?" I asked as water was served to us all. Dad smiled, saying "We are expanding the company."

"How?" I asked, sipping from my water as Zel just sat down quietly. Well, what can he do? It's already decided I'm taking over the family business.

"Liones company and ours will unite to one."

"You are going to buy their company?" I asked. That's new... He only designs men's clothing. For him to just buy women's clothing is... unexpected... but if it's for money, he does anything and everything possible.

"Not quite... we will put our businesses together. The Drake designs will still be on the male clothing and the Liones designs will be on the women's, but the company will change name and all our and their boutiques will sell for both genders."

That sounds quite smart... Except the money that's needed to remake the stores signs and those kind of stuff, it will be more costumers. We can spare money to put down one of the locals if it already is a store close by, which is good for both electrical bills and taxes. Not to mention that the company will be worth at least double the amount it does now and it won't be easy to put the company down if we get more rivals.

"Who will be the owner though?"

"That's the thing. You see, we couldn't decide who would be and for... personal reasons, we can't both be the owners... and I'm not trusting that witch of a designer."

"Who will be?" I asked. He smiled at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"You and her daughter will own the company together..."

"Her daughter and I?" I asked. I'm only 16, I'm not ready to own the business...

"Yes. Everything is planned out. The two of you will marry each other next month, for the company's sake, and take over it at the wedding. Then the two of you are supposed to work on a grandchild that can own the company by himself when you no longer can."

I'm not even gonna be surprised by this stupid proposal. Dad really does anything for money, even if it means forcing me into marriage with a girl I never even met.

"So am I just supposed to stop studying and take over the company? Will I get to meet her before the wedding? How much is arranged?"

"Don't worry. Everything is taken care of. We are still going to take care of the company, even if you re the owners. About the wedding, you won't meet her in before hand since you should continue focus on school and making everything ready."

I nodded as food was placed in front of us.

"When the wedding is over, are we just supposed to go home again?"

"Well, yes... but to your new home. The two of you will move into a new house together so you can start with an offspring. Then the two of you get to plan your honeymoon and go on it." Dad said, making me nod.

"Anyway. You has to decide two groomsmen as we decided that she would have two bridesmaids already. We will be looking for costumes in a couple days..." Dad said and we continued talking about this whole event, wanting to know every little detail I could get.

. . . . .

Ban, King and I was sitting at the lake. It was completely quiet as we threw small rocks into it, competing about who can make the biggest splashes. Well, King didn't really want to, so he gets to choose the winner.

"So... why are we here again?" Ban asked, seeming to be bored.

"Well, I needed to ask you two something." I mumbled, throwing into another rock that made a big splash.

"Which is?" King asked, just staring at the water.

"I'm gonna marry some girl in a month... so can the two of you be my best mans?"

"I'm really starting to believe that your old man is nuts." Ban said, throwing into one more rock. I just nodded, throwing into another as silence filled the air once more.

"Yes, I can be your groomsman." King finally answered and Ban soon said "Me too, ya know."

"That's great, I need two... so both of you are enough."

"Why not ask your brother?" King asked. I sighed, saying "I don't want him to be involved in anything I am. He's only 14, I want him to live as normally as possible and I don't think many 14 year olds is chosen to be best mans."

"True, but still. It would probably be an honour for him."

"I think it would be best for him to just stay home... to just witness a forced marriage it enough for him." I said, throwing in my last rock before saying "I have to leave. The two of you will come with me to try costumes, right?"

"Uggh, do I have to?" Ban asked, only to be smacked in the head by King, who said "Of course."

"Thanks, see ya." I said and went to my motorbike, getting my helmet on to drive home.

-Unknown's POV-

"So this is it, huh?" I asked, looking at the bottle with a grayish powder.

"Yes. It's polonium crushed into powder. Sprinkle some onto the food and the one eating it will surely die."

"Hmmmm, how much is needed to kill a person?"

"Just a gram is needed and they will most likely die."

"Great..." I smiled, looking at it, but he spoke up "It poisons easily, don't inhale it or have any contact with it without protection."

"I understand... Well, this seems great... it will come to use soon..."

It's for money, not loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang