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-Unknown's POV-

Finally... the day I have been waiting for... The first step to become the richest man known to mankind will soon be done... in just a couple hours...

-Meliodas' POV-

It was time for the wedding to start and everyone has arrived... well, I think... I also haven't seen anyone who looks to be my soon-to-be wife. I mean, if it isn't someone who already is... over 30...

Suddenly, all guests was let out to go and sit down. My relatives and dad's friends would sit on the right side of the aisle. Dad went to stand on the right side of the altar, where I would stand.

I sighed as everyone got seated. I looked around, seeing a woman, but she was old and other than her, it was only Ban, King, Zel and... a small girl... which I know I'm not going to marry. She was like... 5.

Music started playing and the old woman walked out. Guess she will be my mother in law... After like 2 seconds, I also walked out, watching the old lady go and stand on the left side of the altar.

I stood on the right side of the altar, watching as Ban and King walked after me and went to sit on the front row.

Next was two girls, one having surprisingly similar facial expressions from King.  They went to sit down on the front row on the left side.

The girl I saw before walked down the aisle, throwing flowers on the ground before walking to sit down beside the two bridesmaids. After that, Zel walked down the aisle with our rings. He went up and gave them to dad before walking to sit down beside Ban.

I watched the entrance, waiting for my fiancee to walk down... but no one. Some whispers started to overtake the sounds of music around the guests.

Is she late? Why isn't she here? She should be in front of me by this point.

It became quiet as I saw a woman stepping out. I heard a small sigh of relief from dad behind me as I watched her walk down with a man beside her. She's... beautiful... I just hope her insides is as beautiful as her outer looks.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I was in my wedding dress, talking to Diane and Elaine as they made some finishing touches to their dresses. We have had professionals putting makeup on, doing our hairs and helping to style us with accessories and more.

At this moment, I was just trying to hold my tears in.

"I really can't do th-"

"Yes you can. Elizabeth. If you don't want this, you can refuse at the altar, but you can't just now show up..." Elaine said, making me nod. It's true, even if I don't know my fiance, I at least don't want to be mean and just let him stand there dumbfounded...

The music started playing and I felt small panic dwell up.

"I'm not sure if I can do this... I'm gonna mess something up. I will start crying and make a fool out of myself..."

Diane peeked out at everyone else in the other room, saying "We have to go now. The groom just walked out."

I nodded as they had to leave me alone. Dad walked into the room, saying "We have to go down soon."

"Do I have to?" I asked, looking at him. He nodded, making me ask "Do you even love me? Because a father wouldn't force his daughter to marry someone for money."

"Of course I love you, sweetie."

"Then why are you letting mom do this? You know she never listens to me, but you do. So why are you forcing me to go through this?" I asked, tears building up in my eyes. He lightly patted my forearms, saying "Don't cry. You will ruin your makeup."

I pulled away from him, saying "Just tell me the truth. Do you really love me?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then why are you on mom's side? Why are you letting her do this to me?"

"Elizabeth, I do this for you. You don't have to worry about money when you grow up. You don't have to look for someone that would love you if you already has a loving husband."

"How do you know if he will be loving?! He could be a psycho or a murderer or something! How do you know we will actually love each other?!"

"It worked for me and your mom, I doubt it won't work for you."

"I doubt it would work on me and him! I never even met him before! I know nothing about him! I don't even know his name!" I argued.

"Quiet down Elizabeth. This is for your own best, so now we walk down the aisle and you get married to him. Then the two of you will write your contracts."

Dad pulled me into the other room and I forced on a small smile as I saw everyone waiting for us. I grabbed dad's arm and we walked down the aisle. We went up on the altar and I stood on the left. Mom and dad both stood behind me.

I looked at the boy in front of me. He didn't look older than 13... I just feel happy he wasn't an adult already... That would make everything so much worse...

I just felt more uncomfortable as we stared at each other, but we both looked away as the priest started talking "Welcome everyone. We are all gathered together here today for the marriage between Elizabeth Liones and Meliodas Drake."

The priest stopped talking for a second to clear his throat. Then he continued by saying "With this marriage, the two of you are to be by each other's sides, the two of you are to get at least one child and the two of you are to own the untied Liones and Drake companies together."

It was quiet a second before he then asked "Does anyone has any objections?"

It was completely quiet and I hoped for dad to object, I wanted him to. After all, my friends couldn't or they would be kicked out.

Then someone spoke up.

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