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-Meliodas' POV-

I walked into the house, seeing that it was already dark. The staff has probably already left...

Quickly walking up the stairs, I went into my and Elizabeth's room to see her sitting in bed, drawing while soaking her paper in tears.

"Hey... are you okay?" I asked, sitting down in bed.

She wiped her tears, mumbling "Y-Yes... I-I'm fine..."

"You don't look fine."

"B-but I am..."

"You can tell me, you know?"

She just shook her head, taking her drawing to her chest.

"Is that one of your designs?"

She nodded, making me ask "Can I see?"

She shook her head, mumbling "It's bad. It's so messy and the design is tasteless..."

"I like messy and I'm sure it's not tasteless. You know what? I will actually give you a choice, either let me see your design or tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing i-is wrong! Just let me be, please!"

"Is it something I have done? Did I make you upset some way?" I asked, sitting beside her.

"No, j-just let me be..."

"Fine... I'm taking a shower..." I mumbled, walking over to our bathroom to give her some space.

. . . . .

I was sitting in the classroom. Ban and King was in front of me, turned to me, while Liz leaned on my shoulder, resting.

I'm not even sure if she was asleep or not.

"She really let you two stay together?" King asked. I had just told them about the situation with Liz and that Elizabeth allowed us to be together.

"Yeah... She said she didn't want to get in the way for my love life, kinda." I answered and Ban said "That's chill man. You are lucky you wasn't married to someone else."

I nodded, saying "She's nice... but won't really open up to me. She cried last night and refused to tell me why, which isn't the first time that happened."

"Well, the two of you are still kind of strangers to each other."

"Yeah, but still..."

"Elizabeth was a really nice girl. I'm sure she just don't want you to worry and maybe it's really personal..." Liz mumbled, making me kiss the top of her head.

"Maybe you are right..." I whispered to her, pulling an arm around her. Ban and King just eyed us before the school bell rang.

"My lesson is starting, I have to go..." Liz said, getting up. I nodded, saying "I will walk you."

She gave me a smile and nodded, not refusing.

"Captain... I just have to say something to you first..."

"Sure, what's up King?" I asked. He just said "It's a boy's thing..."

I looked at Liz, saying "I will catch up to you soon. You can go in the meanwhile..."

She nodded and left the classroom, which made King ask "Elizabeth met Liz yesterday?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Did they happen to be alone?" King asked, making me nod, feeling confused "A couple minutes, where are you going with this?"

"A jealous girlfriend can have something to do with your wife's behaviour..." Ban mumbled, making me just say "That's impossible. Liz is the sweetest. You can ask anyone that."

They both just looked at me before looking at each other, silently.

"Whatever. I'm back soon." I told them, walking after Liz, soon catching up to her.

. . . . .

I gave Liz a helmet and put her bag in the space I had on my motorcycle. Then I got on and put on my own helmet. Liz got on right after me, pulling her arms around my waist.

I smiled, feeling her boobies press against my shoulders.

Then I drove off, just feeling Liz hold in me tightly. It felt like only a couple minutes until we arrived, even though it probably was like a half hour.

We got off of the bike when we arrived at my house and Liz grabbed her bag, walking in with me once we put the helmets on the motorcycle.

I came home to notice that we was alone... Elizabeth has probably not ended her school day today...

"What do you want to do?" I asked Liz, turning to her.

"I'm kinda hungry... it has been a long day..."

"Want to order food?"

She nodded, saying "I kinda feel like eating a hamburger."

"Want me to drive to McDonald's and get something?"

She nodded, saying "If you have energy enough... I know you are probably tired after such an exhausting day babe..."

I smiled and pulled my arms around her waist, saying "It's no problem, really. Anything to satisfy my lady."

She smiled and kissed my cheek, which made my heart beat 10 times faster and harder. She's just so caring and lovely...

"Do you want the usual?" I asked. She nodded, saying "It's so nice that you remember what I like..."

"Of course, I love everything about you Liz and I only want to give you the best..."

"You are so sweet."

I let go of Liz and grabbed my phone, going into my contacts to look for Elizabeth's number.

"What are you doing?" Liz asked, making me say "I'm just asking Elizabeth if she wants anything. I can't just forget her... She is my wife after all and she would have done the same thing for me..."

"She's such a nice girl, really..." Liz said, making me nod as I called Elizabeth.

"You can  go and entertain yourself. I'm just going to call Elizabeth and then get the food." I spoke and she nodded, walking off. Two seconds later, Elizabeth answered her phone, asking "Hello?"

"Hey Elizabeth... so I'm going to get some food at McDonald's for early dinner, do you want anything?"

"Oh, are you really okay about getting me food? I'm not going to be home in another hour..."

"Yeah, so you want anything?"

"Ummm, can I get a chicken burger plus menu?"

"A plus menu? Really?"

"Y-yeah, I-I, ummm... S-Sorry, I shouldn't hav-"

"No, no, I was just surprised. Never seen a girl eat so much food." I interrupted. It was quiet a couple seconds before she said "Y-you don't have to g-get me it... I-I shouldn't have a-asked for it..."

"No, it's fine Elizabeth. Eat as much as you want... I'm going to get you that. Is it anything more you want?"


"What drink do you want then?"


"Okay. Anything more?"

"No... but you really don't ha-"

"It's fine Elizabeth. I'm gonna get it for you." I told her. She only mumbled a small "O-Okay, thanks." before we hung up.

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