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-Meliodas' POV-

I came down to an amazing smell. I smiled as I was still tired. The staff was supposed to come later today, but it's great if they are already here. I really don't feel like making food myself, it just tastes horrible. Home economics is literally the only subject I don't have an A in, well, I do since dad pays the teacher to give me an A, but I don't count it as a good grade as I didn't earn it myself.

Dad just wants to tell everyone I have perfect grades.

As I came into the kitchen, I was surprised to see Elizabeth at the stove.

"You can cook?" I asked, walking up to her. She turned to me, mumbling "Barely."

I nodded, asking "Need any help?"

She shook her head, saying "Y-You can start eating i-if you want..."

"You made some for me?" I asked, slightly shocked. It feels like she doesn't like me, but makes food for me?

"Y-You don't have to eat if you d-don't want t-"

"No, no, just... surprised. You don't seem fond of me."

She didn't answer. I went over to sit in one of the seats, seeing the table already laid. I grabbed the juice and poured it in my glass, then decided to wait for Elizabeth to be done with the pancakes so we could eat together. I don't want to be rude to her by eating without her.

Just a couple minutes later, Elizabeth put one more plate of pancakes on the table, but looked at me.

"D-Don't you like pancakes?"

"Wha- Yes, I-Ugh, I don't mind at all. I'm in fact happy that you cooked so I don't have to eat my poison of food."

She nodded, grabbing a pancake and some berries to start eating. I did the same, mostly looking down at my plate while eating, but did sneak a couple glances at her then and then.

At least she was beautiful and so far seems... okay...

"My dad is visiting today. To see how it goes so far. Will your parents show up anytime?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"N-ot that I have heard of..." She mumbled, making me nod. This is hard... she really doesn't seem like she wants to talk... This is just so awkward...

"Maybe we can go on a date or something. To get to know each other. I mean, we are married, so..." I suggested. She gave a small nod, not really answering.

"Are you okay?" I asked, just to be sure. She only nodded again.

I give up... I can't do this... She's so different... from Liz...

Liz is just confident, honest and so easy to talk with. She's always saying what's on her mind. She's never really quiet.

Elizabeth though... she's the opposite... She's quiet and so hard to make a conversation with. It's like she's trying to ignore me...

The only thing they have in common is that their physical features are alike...

The rest of the breakfast, we sat quietly and ate.

. . . . .

I was sitting with my phone in the couch, waiting for dad to show up. He should be here whenever now... which is what makes me worry.

I haven't been able to find Elizabeth since breakfast and I have to inform her about... a couple things... before dad arrives.

The door bell rang, making me get up to get the door. Dad stood there with... Elizabeth's parents...

I let them in while greeting them all.

"Where's my sweet daughter?" Mrs. Liones asked.

"Oh, she's... at..."

"I'm here mother." I heard and turned around to see Elizabeth. Where has she been all this time?!

"Why don't we go and talk in the living room?" I asked as I put my arm around Elizabeth's waist. Elizabeth's dad eyed me slightly as they all agreed.

We went to sit down, Elizabeth and I sat in the couch while everyone, dad went to sit in one of the armchairs, Elizabeth's mom in the other armchair and lastly Elizabeth's dad on the other side of the couch.

"So why are you actually here?" I asked, my arm leaving Elizabeth's waist and my hand went to her leg. She put her hand on top of mine, making sure I wouldn't touch her any more than this.

"You two seems to get along." Elizabeth's mom replied, making me say "Yeah?" as Elizabeth only nodded.

"Have you worked on any children yet?" Dad asked. Elizabeth blushed slightly as I answered "We decided to wait until we are both 18."

"Great, now what about the marriage contract? You have made it, right?" Elizabeth's dad asked and we continued answering their questions one after another.

. . . . .

Elizabeth was talking to her parents while dad had taken me to the kitchen for a 'talk'.

This won't turn out good.

"I want a grandson as soon as possible."

"But we had dec-"

"I'm not going to tell you this twice. You are the man in the relationship, you do whatever you want. She has no right to say anything. Now you do as I tell you because I'm still your legal guardian and your father."

"Yes dad..." I mumbled, nodding. He just said "Great, now we go back to the others. I expect a grandson in 9 months."

"Yes..." I mumbled.

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