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-Elizabeth's POV-

We stepped out of the car with Diane and Elaine following behind. Mom was already here what she had told me...

"So? What kind of dress do you want?" Diane asked. I sighed, saying "I honestly just want to get it over with..."

"Try to think positively, Elizabeth. Think about this like our shopping day." Elaine said, making me just sigh and nod.

"I will try."

"Elizabeth! You are here!" Mom called as we went into the wedding dress store. We walked over to her as she had multiple dresses in hand.

"I have found these for you to try on!" She said, making me only nod. I can't really believe I'm going to marry someone... and it's only three weeks left...

I took the dresses and went to the changing room to try them on. The first one was quite hard to get on, but it worked. I went out to show Diane and Elaine, who was looking for dresses.

"What about this?" I asked. They immediately went over to me, saying "It's... beautiful... but is this really your style?"

I sighed and shook my head.

"I don't like it... it's itching too..." I mumbled.

"Try another" Elaine commented and I did.

. . . . .

As I finally found a dress I liked, I went out to show Diane and Elaine. It was a white, nearly princess like dress. Tight, but manageable white top, a thin layer of lace fabric, which slowly faded at the skirt part. The skirt part was getting more and more loose and reached my feet. The sleeved was off shoulder, loose, long lace fabric.

"That's... that look amazing!" Diane said. I smiled, saying "Thank you... This is the one I like the most..."

"You should definitely wear that!" Diane squealed. I gave her a small smile as mom said "It's settled, that dress it is. Now let's get to the bridesmaids dresses."

We all nodded as we went to look for dresses Diane and Elaine would wear, which ended up as the same as mine except for any lace and a shorter skirt.

After a while, we was finally done and went to look for accessories.

-Meliodas' POV-

I sighed as I was going to look for some wedding clothes. King, Ban and Zel was with me, so it will at least be some fun... I hope...

It has been quiet the whole ride here in the car, so I'm not sure. No one seems to be that happy about the marriage.

"Okay... so what are the theme?"

"Light gray and white. Some traditional wedding." I answered as we went into the shop. King only nodded at the answer of his question.

"So... I have wanna ask this a while, but has tried to keep quiet for ya sake..." Ban started, making me look at him.


"I actually want to know too... so... What about Liz?" King asked. I sighed, saying "I have to break up with her... I guess..."

"How are you coping with it?" King asked. I kept quiet. I have just been lying to myself and saying that everything is okay. That nothing will change between me and Liz, but... it's been two weeks since the news and nothing.

"I... haven't accepted it yet... and I still have to tell her..."

It became quiet once again as I thought about it. I have to break up with my girlfriend... just for dad to get some extra money... I have to throw away my last happiness for... money...

"Brother, will you really let father do this to you?" Zel spoke up for once. I gave him a small smile, as fake as all my smiles was, and said "It doesn't matter. I'm... probably going to be happy when I'm an adult... I'm going to have money after all..."

"Captain..." King mumbled my nickname as Zel just nodded, saying "Of course..."

"Either way. Let's get this over with." I mumbled and went to look for some costumes while the others did the same. I just picked some light gray costume. King got a light blue, Ban a light red (He refused to call it pink) and Zel got a little darker gray than me, which nearly made mine look white compared to his.

Then we went to get some shirts, where we all picked white. Then we picked a bit darker of the colours we had to our ties and shoes.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I went up to my room, falling into bed. It's one week left until the wedding... One week left and I will never be able to love anyone else than some guy I never even met...

Tears built up in my eyes as I thought about it. Everything is ready. The clothes is bought, invitations is sent, I have been taught of how this marriage will go...

Everything is done and I can't escape it...

I wiped my tears away, my makeup going with it. A week... then I'm moving out... but at least... mom and dad can no longer tell me what to do... they can't make me do anything more crazy than this... they will leave me alone for a while... and maybe I can just be a normal teenager for a while, at least pretend I am...

My phone rang, making me look at the caller. Diane...

I accepted and put the phone to my ear.

"Elizabeth. How are you feeling?"

"Three guesses."

"Don't need any... Anyways... Me and Elaine have decided that we will take you out tomorrow... I know we are kinda underage, but we have fixed fake IDs for us. I think we should just have a night and be stupid teenagers where you can forget about all this for one night."

"I have not agreed to this!" Elaine's shout was heard from the background, making me giggle.

"Diane, I'm with Elaine. This is the dumbest idea you ever had before."

"Well, sorry that I want to make you feel better some way!" She groaned.

"Just talking and being supported is enough..."

-Meliodas' POV-

Tomorrow is the day... the day I'm never going to be happy again... I stared into the half ful wine glass in my hand. I was sitting quietly in the couch, letting dad boast about my marriage and how rich he will become to his friends he invited.

They aren't really friends. They are just all competing about being the riches and now it's dad's time to boast about it. I'm not allowed to leave either since this is mostly about me...

I took a sip from the wine I got, detesting, yet loving the flavour of it. The burning, bitter taste isn't pleasing, but keeps my mind off of... thoughts and feelings...

Dad lets me drink at special occasions, saying stuff like 'It makes you look responsible', 'It looks like you take it seriously' and those kind of stuff.

I stood up, walking over to the kitchen, not really feeling well anymore. I just want to be alone... I poured the wine out in the sink and put the glass on the counter, walking back to dad.

"Dad, I will leave to go over the wedding schedule one last time." I informed. He nodded, saying "Look at how he takes responsibility seriously..." and blah blah blah. I left to my room, making myself ready for bed.

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