| Chapter Eight |

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Sorein didn't know what he was doing.

Especially as he stalked back down the walkway and into the Heartline City's parade of performers.

He'd not offered, but demanded she follow him to the Ceremony of Lights.

Such behavior wasn't normally his style, it certainly wasn't the reason she'd been friends with him so long ago.

The look in her eye said that much.

"Hey, where have you been?" Noah asked, approaching briskly.

Jeremy trailed him to the left.

"More importantly," the Captain added. "What was that about?"

Sorein felt a lot of things. He didn't know if he was annoyed by his friend's tone or caught off guard by the implications of his question. The feeling didn't sit well in his chest.

"What?" he asked, staring at him. Daring him to continue.

For the first time in many years, Jeremy took that dare. "Threatening the Lord of Teresii? Guarding the Princess of Chiori? Are you out of your mind?"


Sorein hadn't taken the time to consider what it might look like to stand in front of her, holding a blade to her abuser. He'd wanted to do a great deal more than that considering how rare it was for her to find the courage to leave.

He didn't particularly care what they thought, he decided.

"I don't see how it concerns you," Sorein replied, making his way through the streets.

When they stepped onto Honeyrock street, the scene of his crime, he noted the way others strayed away from him or stared. His teeth gritted at the thought that standing up for someone, that refusing to be a bystander was wrong.

"You know her," Noah said. A hint of a smile graced his lips, vanishing quickly because he valued his life. "You know her, don't you?"

Sorein rolled his eyes. "Of course I know her," he muttered. "Do you think when my father sent me here, it wasn't political? He wanted to establish better relations with Destry, so naturally I've been to the estate."

Half truths whisked into lies.

He knew better than to find himself caught up in these terrible webs. By now his friends had backed off several times, Sorein didn't imagine he'd continue to be so lucky.

"You had her by the arm, Sorein," Jeremy stated, an incredulous look growing on his face. "You were dragging her away."

He felt himself quickly running out of things to say. Coming up short, Sorein scrambled through his brain hoping to find some saving grace. There was none.

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