Come back

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"I'm always here for you baby"

Monday morning

Diane during these days stayed with me so much, she kept cuddling me, and hugging me tight. She made me feel safe and made sure that my mind didn't think about today. Today we have to return back to I must go back into my house to get everything I need and also, the time that I should've spent here with Diane is at the end... I know we're in a relationship now but maybe I shouldn't bother her like this.

I get up, Diane isn't in the bed already she probably is in the kitchen. I changed my clothes, taking a Diane sweater so it will feel like she will be there with me the whole day. I smiled, putting the sweater on and smelling the amazing Diane perfume. I put the shoes on and run downstairs, Diane stares at me smiling while the breakfast is already ready on the table. 

"Goodmorning baby" Diane says opening her arms to me. I immediately run into her arms 

"Morning Diane"

"How did my sweet girl sleep last night?"

"Amazing...and you hugged me the whole time...thank you I was so anxious for today..and actually I still am"

"No need to worry. Remember I'll be there for you anytime darling" she pats my head "and now, let's eat. We don't want to be late, do we?"

I keep hugging her and she raises me, sits at her place and make me turn around, still on her lap

"Fine, you'll stay here and eat understood?"

"Yes Diane, thank you I l-" 

It's too early

"You?" she asks me raising an eyebrow

"Nothing i need to take my books later"

"Of course...but I will come with you while you take those..just in case"

We both start eating our pancakes and when we finish, she puts the dishes in the washing machine and leaves to take her bag. I follow her to take my coat but instead she gives me one of hers.

"There are some pills for the anxiety in the pocket if you need...please stay calm. I assure you those guys won't disturb you or then they will have to deal with me"

I laugh at her behavoir and i kiss her plump lips. She pulls me closer, leaving her hands on my butt and squeezing it. Due to her move I moan in her mouth and then I notice her eyes becoming more dark, lustful. I take her hand and we leave her house going to mine. We enter and I start taking the school books from the bookshelf while she looks around my room. Noticing some books that I usually read to distract my mind and also cause, they scream gay vibes

"You really like to read huh....What's this?" she takes out a book and start looking at the plot

"W-whats the title?" 


I blushed. The age gap in that book is really a lot 

"Ohh they also made a film....Shall we watch it? I bet you already did...but I didn't" she laughed putting her hand on the back of her neck

"Yeah sure..Why not? Only if you like this kind of...well love stories"

She places the book back in its place and comes near me

"You mean sapphic love hmm...I like it since I'm also a lesbian myself"

I smile and she leaves a peck on my lips

"You ready? It's almost 7.30 you know that it takes not a lot of time to get to the school but...still...I'm a teacher Y/n"

I nod and she takes my hand leaving the house to her car. We enter and she starts the car engine after we both putted on the security belt. 

The new neighbour -Diane ShermanWhere stories live. Discover now