abortions are now illegal? wtf.

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i normally don't get involved with whatever the government says. but when i mean i am disgusted. i am fucking disgusted. who tf gave men the RIGHTS to speak on woman's bodies? are you carrying the baby for 40 weeks? are you going through the pain of childbirth? do you get raped and then be forced to give birth to your rapists child? are you going to have a child when you know you're not financially, emotionally or physically stable? no you're fucking not. so why tf are you speaking. why are you making choices on OUR bodies when you don't have to experience none of the things that most women go through? and the woman who agreed with abortion being illegal you are disgusting. how are you giving away your own rights? how are you giving men the right to believe that it's their choice what happens to our bodies? it's not murder. it doesn't even have a heart beat. it's just a clump of cells that doesn't even know what pain is? why are men so focused on what happens to woman, when it doesn't concern them whatsoever. i live in the UK and i just had to speak up on this. because whatever is going on in the US is just foul. how are guns having more right than women. it just doesn't make sense. i pray for all the women that live in the US and i hope you're trying to get through what's happening. i am so disgusting on what this world is turning into.

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