The Bell Tower

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Next chapter is up! Enjoy!

Sidenote: Remember, right now the heroes are all in disguise, that includes the sidekicks. They are in civilian clothes, and the protégés (except for a select few), don't know that all the adults with them are heroes. Just keep that in mind.

P.S. I do not own any pictures or music in this chapter. 

P.P.S. Some of the pics make Quasi look like a girl or give Esmeralda a chin piercing. Quasi is a boy in my fic and Esmeralda does not have a chin piercing. Please ignore these features in them, I do not own the pics and I'm crap at editing.

Third POV

"Wait!" Esmeralda calls softly as he follows the retreating hunchback up a spiral staircase. The group of disguised heroes silently trail after the two as they make their way towards the bell tower. 

"I-I'd like to talk to you!"

The hunchback makes no move to stop at the gypsy's pleas, and the two make their way up to an open area at the top of the cathedral, where they are shocked by a strange sight. 

Three gargoyles appear to be alive, one female and two males, and are commenting on the sight of the two boys below the balcony they are resting. 

"Look! He's got a friend with him!" The female gargoyle says suggestively. 

The shorter of the male gargoyles agrees, "yeah! Maybe today wasn't a total loss after all!"

The heroes take advantage of the statues' distraction to find a better hiding place to continue to watch the scene play out, allowing them to follow the boys out of sight. 

"A vision of loveliness," the tall gargoyle admires, watching Esmeralda. 

The shorter statue concurs, "the one in the sash ain't bad either."

Kid Flash watches this conversation in confusion and shock, and his eyes go wide at a realization. 

"Wait. The short one has a crush on the GOAT?!"


The other protégés shush him, completely engrossed in watching what was happening before their eyes. 

The gargoyles drop down to applaud their friend. 

"Hey~! Quasy!"

The tall statue shakes the boy's arm. "Congratulations!"

"Knew you had it in ya!" The female one boasts, continued by the small one. 

"Got the hot guys chasing ya already!"

Poor Quasimodo seems incredibly flustered, trying to squeeze through the circle his friends made around him. 

"A-actually, I-," he is interrupted by the tall gargoyle. 

"You mustn't run too fast, or he'll get away."

"Y-y-yes, I-I-I know, that's why I-," 

The tall gargoyle grabs Quasimodo's arm to keep him in place, while the short one starts making reeling motions with his arms. 

"Give him some slack, then reel him in. Then give him some slack, then reel him in. Then give him some slack-,"

The female gargoyle bonks the short one on the head. 

"Knock it off, Hugo. He's a boy, not a mackerel!"

A few of the heroes choke on laughs, Kid Flash, his mentor, and Arthur Curry (Aquaman) specifically when they hear the amusing commentary and the way both Robin and Aqualad react at hearing the gypsy being referred to in such a way. Both boys are pouting discontentedly; Robin at the idea that the statues are trying to hook the gypsy up, Aqualad at the gypsy being hooked up period. 

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