words which weigh more than bricks

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i remember in seventh grade my mom fell down the stairs and broke her leg which only fully healed after two months .
i was outside playing alone , my father and brother were on a bro's trip yet she called them to ask them to call for help because she was passing out and had no strength .
instead of calling me she called people who were miles away so you can see why I'm starting to panic , my mother never calls me so this could be very bad .

" take me home . " i say cutting evallyn off whatever he was saying but right now that's not what matters but the woman who acknowledged me after what seemed to be forever .

" what's wrong ? are you okay ? " he asked starting the car .
" i am , my mom might not be though . " i say and start picking at my skin , an old habit i seem to never outgrow .

he speeds off and heads towards my house and i see bags packed outside and start to panic . am i getting kicked out ? are we moving ?

i don't wait for the car to come to a stop i open the car door and jump out and obviously landing on my feet because the car was coming to a stop . i rush inside and look for my mom .

" mom ? MOM ! MOM ? " i yell and head towards her bedroom and i am left stunned . my mom is perfectly okay , smiling even something i haven't seen her do in ages excluding when she was having breakfast with eva .

" you're okay ??? i was so worried that you were in some sort of trouble and it turns out you're busy shagging some guy and eating fucking strawberries ??? " i yell and immediately afterwards my face is met with a harsh , crispy slap that leaves a loud ringing noise in my ears .

" watch how you talk to me i am not , nor will i ever be one of your friends . oh wait , you don't even have any to begin with . i tolerate you , i put a roof over your head and buy you the finest things in life you brat just so you can throw it in my face ! " she yells and for the first time i don't back down without a fight .

" that's the bare fucking minimum mom ! you are not doing me a favor whatsoever it's your damn job as a parent who chose to keep a child ! " i fire back refusing to cry even though my voice starts to crack .

" BOLD OF YOU TO ASSUME I EVER WANTED TO KEEP YOU ! " she says and my mind stops working , all my senses stop working . i can't see anything nor hear anything . i can't breathe and my legs feel like jelly .

" your father , whom if you haven't noticed left , was the one who insisted i keep you . after lucas i was content . i finally had the family I've always wanted . a husband , a son and a perfect home . everything was working in my favour .

little girl you were not even planned , that's how much i did not want you but your stupid catholic father insisted that we keep you even when i did not want you .

now tell me how am i supposed to love something that was forced on me ?! TELL ME ! you have been nothing but a set back in my life ever since you have been born .

I've tried to love you , I've really tried but it was impossible . it became worse when all you did was eat and you became this fat thing that dragged my name through the mud .

i will always choose my status and power over any obstacle especially you young lady and let me tell you something that you might be having a hard time coming to terms with , no one , and i mean no one will ever love something like you .

you'll never be enough , you'll never be deserving and you sure as hell will never have someone to call your own . mia ? mia is just sticking with you because financially you're on her level .

don't you dare even for a second think she loves you or likes you . hunter ? oh darling hunter only dated you for more fame at school , you're nothing without me .

and that sweet gentleman evallyn ? i hope he soon sees what a set back you are in his life . everything you touch gets damaged . look,  you've ruined my vacation before it even began . " she said and i felt it . every single word .

she made sure that I'd never forget everything she just said and it worked because her words got hammered in my mind . before i even knew it i was crying but no sound was coming out .

she's been wanting to say this for ages and now her wish had been fulfilled . i wanted to die , to rip my hairs out and to cry , cry until my heart felt lighter . cry until the pain disappeared . to cry until i fell asleep and eventually feel nothing .

i slowly backed away from her until i crashed into a warm wall . turning around there stood evallyn . he heard her . he heard everything she said judging by his facial expression .

then it kicked in , that day in the kitchen when mom said i was jealous of her he implied that i really was so he probably agrees with everything she just said .

stepping back from him i did the only thing my family seemed to be good at , i ran .

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