Chapter 1 An Old Legend

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Legend has it that thousands of years ago, the Devils were the strongest living creatures in the world, and, like all others, with great power comes great desire for more. And so it was that the greatest Devil in history, Marden, seized control from his King and sent troops after troops of army to attack the other Kingdoms. To his foes he was heartless, and to his people, ruthless. Those who dared stand up against him was erased from history without a trace to find. That was, until the Angel, Ace, came.

When the other Kingdoms have lost all hope of ever defeating Marden, a prophet, Mary, no more than 2 feet tall, who had foretold the Rise of Marden delivered a prophecy: " Shall you find the brightest star, you will regain the hope to start. To cleanse the world of the evil war, and bring dawn once more from afar."

Desperate, the Kings sent their best men to find this star, and after days of relentless searching, found Ace. Being the leader of an organization that helped the needed, Ace was covered in filth and gore when he was summoned before the Kings. However, this did not effect the air of holiness that seemed to gather around him. " I will accept your offer," he had declared, "but only through the most peaceful way will I lead the war", and the Kings, after slight consideration, agreed to his terms. By joining the armies of the Kingdoms, Ace was able to keep the Devil army at bay and, by calling the other Devils to stand against their tyrant, bring down Marden. Yet, despite being weakened, Marden was still too strong to demolish, his evil aura effecting anyone standing close around to turn against each other. Even Ace felt a bit affected by the aura, let alone the others.

After days of counseling, Ace and the Kings discovered that the only way to make sure that the Devil King doesn't come back any time soon was to seal him inside the body which contained the purest soul. So they prepared the rituals to seal Marden in Ace once and for all. But it just so happens to be that on the day of the Sealing, Ace's wife gave birth to a baby girl, and the prophet, Mary, came again. " The brightest star is no more, though a new cell has now formed." she had announced.

Ace was distraught. He begged and begged the prophet to spare his daughter, but Mary refused, deeming that only his daughter's soul was innocent and pure enough to counter the Devil King's black soul. So, with great sadness in his heart, Ace agreed to let his position be replaced.

Years and years passed by, and what really happened was gradually replaced by the creativity of people's minds. But in all the legends that existed, never was there one that described what happened to the baby or the prophet after the Sealing.........

Hi guys , so this is the first real chapter that I made, I hope you liked it! If not, I'm really sorry, but I am improving steadily, so I look forward to the day you approve of my writing! Once again I want to say thanks to my friends for correcting my mistakes. You guys are the best! Also, if you have any questions , just post it on comments. I'll try to aswer as much as I can without spilling to much of the would-be events!

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