Chapter 4 The Body

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Era frowned. This wasn't the first time she found an animal body in her bathroom, but never had it been this big before.

The wolf, judging by the blood, was killed recently, which she doubt any villager here can do, considering the enormity of its size and the fact that the villagers here are all uneducated with weapons.

She stroke its gleaming paws with a finger. Two years ago, seeing this would have made her scream, but now it jest left her slightly perplexed and alarmed, for no matter how alert she is during the night; no matter how many spells she weaved around her room, the intruder always seem to be able to find able to find a gap to slip through, leaving behind the carcasses of animals.

Pushing the thought aside, she hurriedly cleaned her surroundings and carried the body outside.

Although she has a slim figure, years of warrior training had left her the capability to carry things that seem to be too much for her. After burying the creature with an earth spell and blending it to the enviroment with a plant spell, she quickly glanced around to make sure no one saw her.

Assured, she paid a silent prayer to the wolf and walked hurriedly towards the dining room.

Okay, I know I said the chapters won't be shorter than the nightmare, but this is really the last short chapter. The other chapters will all be longer than this. (I hope)

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