Chapter 2 The Voice

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That was the only color she saw around her as she ran towards eternity.
She didn't know who or what she was running from, only the all-consuming fear and hate that seemed to envelop not only her body but her very soul. Suddenly, she was standing in a large room in which she has never been to before. A majestic yet evil-looking chair stood in the middle, its back turned towards her. The loud tick-tocking of a clock pressed heavily against her, and with each click, her heart jumped to her ears in anticipation. Her wing slid on the floor behind her, making no sound.

"So you've finally come," said a soothing voice. It was not the type of soothing mothers have when tucking their children in their beds, but the type that acts like venom, the kind that lures and traps your mind as a snake does with a prey.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you." the voice said again, this time, with a hint of amusement creeping at the edge. The chair slowly turned around, revealing its occupant.

And she screamed. She screamed while the malicious laughter bounced off the walls and slam into her from all directions. She screamed because the terror was too much to bear. She screamed for she was looking at Torment itself.

And It was Her.

Sorry guys, this chapter is a bit short, but I will try to make next chapter longer.

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