Chapter 10 Back At Home

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Metal screeched against metal, and swords clashed against sword. Bodies littered the ground, while the wails of the dead filled the air, calling upon the living. Driving his sword through a Devil, Satan panted heavily.

This was getting tiring.

He could feel his strength ebbing away, the result of using too much magic and energy at the same time.

Looking around, he searched for the leader of this revolt. They have brought too many devils this time, and killing them all was not an option. It will leave the family weakened, and Satan shuddered to think what the other Devil families will do once they find out.

Another Devil charged at him, and he parried the blows while he sliced the throat of another one behind him with a dagger. Casting an invisibility spell before he ended the Devil attacking him, he took off into the sky, his black wings carrying him at a speed most will envy.

He surveyed the area quickly. The sun was already setting, painting the sky a bright blood red. Off in the distance, the horns of war continued to blow, but Satan knew it couldn't last any longer. He needed to end this right now before the family suffered any more losses.

A blast of black caught his eyes.

Amidst the swarm of devils, he saw a Devil clad in a robe of dark blue fire another blast of black magic. Although the Devil's hood was up, blocking the face, the markings on his hand were impossible to miss.

Satan returned to the ground where Tarren was fighting of five Devils by himself.

"Getting old, Tarren? Told you not to frown too much," he teased.

Ducking to avoid a slash that would have brained him, Tarren advanced onto the five Devils with a sudden burst of speed, ending the dive Devils with a sweep of his sword.

"You seem to be in a good condition, considering you still have the strength to joke around," Tarren's flat voice replied.

"I do smile after all."


Ignoring Satan, Tarren was about to re-join the battle when Satan's serious voice spoke behind him.

" I just saw Roger at the eastern side of the battlefield. He's firing dark magic around as if it costs nothing."

"What are you going to do?"

Satan paused before he spoke again.

"He did break the contract..." he trailed off. His eyes hardened, becoming cold and icy, while a shadow passed over his face. He flung his dagger upwards, driving it through the middle of a Devil that attacked them from the air. Droplets of black blood rained down on them, staining the ground.

"...and I'll have his life for it."

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