Chapter 9 Mary

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Era watched as the little fox scampered here and there. They were in the trading center of the village, about five kilometers away from her house, where most goods are sold. People bustled around, looking for the objects they have come to buy, and the street was lively with shop owners calling for customers in their elegant huts.

"Lilac! Be careful! You might get stepped on!"

"It's okay, I'm fi - aaaagh!" Lilac screamed as her eyes focused on a barbeque stand, causing Era to shrink in response.

"Era! Look! Can we have some of that! Please, please, please?" Lilac can't help it. The smell wafting from the barbeque stand was simply too much for the liitle fox; she could feel her mouth watering at an amazing speed, and she wouldn't be surprised if some strands were already hanging outside her mouth.  Hurriedly, she turned around to look at Era with the biggest and most pleading eyes she could manage.

"Alright, just one - wait, that's not the point!" Era quickly corrected herself.

"Lilac! I told you not to talk! Angels don't tolerate Monsters or Devils on their land! That's the only reason why you're dressed up as a puppy right now!" she quietly scolded. "Do not talk anymore, ok? Nod if you understand."

Lilac nodded her head vigorously, but the excitement seemed to be barely contained in her eyes, and a few silvery strands were still drooping suspiciously from her snout.

Era sighed. From their conversations, she gathered that Lilac is a female fox monster about five years old.  Her family lived in the capital of the Monster's land - near the castle - and seems to be a wealthy family. It was still a mystery, though, how Lilac came to be so far away from her family, as the little fox couldn't remember much herself. Era could assume it was the result of a family grudge. Neverless, Lilac was in her care now, and she will not allow the little fox to be hurt, just like she would not allow anyone to abuse this village or its occupants.

She was still thinking about Lilac when she suddenly bumped into an old Angel woman, knocking her squeeling to the ground.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" Era asked worriedly as she stretched her hand to help the old Angel up.

"Why you little -" the woman began, but stopped short of whatever she was going to say the moment she laid her eyes on Era. The image was sort of ridiculous, with the old Angel gaping at Era like a fish out of water while Era stood squirming under her steady gaze.

"Um... Are you alright?"

Unable to stand the old Angel's stare any longer, Era repeated the question she previously asked.

"So it's happening," the old Angel whispered, her voice barely audible. Dressed in rags with mud splattering her face and a few twigs sticking out of her hair, she looked like one of the beggars who had found home under the bridge just outside the village; however, this was only under the circumstances of clothing. Her eyes, the colour of steel, carried a gaze so intense, it seemed to penetrate you, reading all your secret and missing nothing. Wrinkles adorned what must have once been a beautiful face,announcing their right and masking the beauty behind.

"I'm sorry, what?" Era asked, perplexed. This Angel was short, merely two feet tall.

"The seal... it's weakening..." the Angel continued. Suddenly, she grabbed Era by the shoulders, forcing Era to stare into her eyes.


"Have you been seeing death lately?"

The question caught Era's attention immediately. How did this Angel know?

Something on her face must have shown the answers, for the Angel continued attacking her with questions.

"When did this start? And are you also having nightmares about meeting someone?"

The questions sent shivers down Era's spine. This was seriously starting to freak her out.

"How did you-"

"Never mind how I knew. Answer my questions."

"...yes, I've start having those kind of nightmares just recently, but animal corpses in my bedroom started two years ago."

The Angel stumbled back in daze. "No... this is not how we planned... it's too fast..." she mumbled.

Fixing her stare on Era, she removed out a piece of paper she fished out from one of the pockets of her battered rag.

"If you ever meet a situation you can't handle, you'll find me here," she said, releasing the paper into Era's outstreched hands.

"Wait! Who are you?" Era called out as the woman turned around to go.

"Me? I go by many names, but those who know me call me Mary," and with that, she left Era alone among the crowds.

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