Chapter 11 Promise

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Hey guys! Did you miss me? Again, I apologize for the late updates (toooo much work!), but I will make it up this following two days.

Also, to help you understand better, this chapter happens right after Era met Mary, the same time as Satan was fighting a war at his homeland....

By the time Era finally returned home, the sun was already setting. Both of her hands were stuffed with goods, one from Lilac's shopping and the other from the villagers' warmth. Although she doesn't notice, Era was a rare beauty, and she was constantly spoken of in the village. Many are already waiting for her hand, and many more would wait once she graduates from school.

Of course, Era knows none of this.

Currently, all she could think of while she leaned on the door gasping is what in the world did she do/say that made the little fox hate her this much? At least three quarters of her savings are now gone, she could could assure you it was no small money, and it was only thanks to the villagers' gifts that she didn't need to spend more.

Dumping her packages on the ground, she massaged her wings as she sat down on the floor. It was not easy carrying packages over a ton and flying over 5 km, even with her magic helping her. What's more, Lilac actually wanted her to fly up and down, doing tricks along the way as if it was a roller coaster, and if she refused the little fox would start whimpering and cry, as if she bullied her.

It got to the extent in which she wanted to shove the little fox back to whichever pack of wolves she saved her from, but the innocence and excitement in the little fox's eyes persuaded her otherwise, which resulted in what we see now.

"Era! Can we play in the forest tomorrow?" Lilac asked, gazing at Era with large, expectant eyes. She had taken off her puppy disguise, and her nine white tails waved merrily around her. "Please?"

Era smiled. Although Lilac is a bit bossy, she must admit that the little fox is adorable, with the innocence and playfulness magnifying the cuteness to the peak.

"Not tomorrow," she said gently. "Tomorrow I have to start going to school again."

"Awwww~" Lilac whined.

"Nope, not tomorrow."

Lilac's tail stopped waving, and her ears drooped as she hung her head to ground. The look she was giving could melt the coldest of the hearts, and Era felt her heart melting rapidly into a pool of affection and guilt.

"How about this?" We'll go to the forest tomorrow after school, but you'll have to stay at home for the first half of the day," she proposed. The little fox's ears immediately perked up.

"But what about Dina and Chief? They might find me."

"They're gathering something in the mountains these days, and won't be back until next month."

"You promise?" the little fox asked as she stretched her paw out.

"I promise." Era said as placed her finger against the little paw.

"Then...okay!" the little fox laughed, back t her happy mood again.

Era found herself laughing along with the little fox. It's been a long time since she last laughed, and she found herself enjoying this feeling. Perhaps saving Lilac wasn't a bad idea.

She was quickly proven herself wrong, for she found herself packing the things needed for picnic for the rest of the day.

A/N I just wanted to say, I always thought I based Lilac's character on someone close to me, which I later found out was my little sister. How did I found out? I wrote this during school time, and that day when I went home, complaining about how heavy my bag was, my sister asked me why I didn't run up and down the stairs with it. -_-#

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