Chapter 3 Waking Up

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Era woke up with a gasp. For a second she thought she was still in that room, shivering in the fear and cold that seemed to radiate from her very own being. But then she realized she was in her bedroom, with the curtains closed to keep the sunlight from seeping in.
"Well that explains the dark," muttered Era. However she still couldn't shake the ominous feeling that something was wrong.
"Era?" a muffled voice asked through the door. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes Chief," she said. "Just had a nightmare."
"Well hurry up or you'll be late for school," said Chief as he opened the door, "or do you need me to cuddle and pat you on the back?" He added with a grin.
She felt her face grow hot at that mention.
"But Chief, that was ages ago," she protested,"and I only did that twice!!"
Her protests were met by his laughter. Annoyed, she threw her pillows at him, and he ducked behind the door to avoid her attacks. "I'll see you later," was all he said before he scurried out of her room.

She sighed. It's been eleven years since she arrived in this family, eleven years since her birth-parents had tried to strangle her on the day of her birthday, and although both the Chief and his wife have raised and loved her like their own child, the scar in her heart refuses to fade.
She glanced at the clock and groaned. It was 8 o'clock, and if she didn't hurry she really would be late, and her perfect record would be ruined.
Being an adopted child, especially one who was rescued from a pair of insane parents, she worked so hard to bring pride to her adopted parents, to prove to everyone that even though she didn't come from a wealthy or educated family, she was still not to be looked down at.
And her efforts were rewarded, for she was now she was the top student a the best school for Angels. She quickly brushed her long light blue hair and smoothed the feathers on her wings. After dressing heself in her school uniform, she remembered that she needed to check on something first.......

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