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Name: Zotz

Species/Animal: Vampire Bat? Flying fox? Imma just make him a mix between the two


 Here is a drawing of Zotz with some descriptions of them

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Here is a drawing of Zotz with some descriptions of them

But if you can't see the image, I'll give a brief description

He is a pretty shy tall boy with not-so-great social skills, he prefers He/Him and They/Them Pronouns, and like Art, Music, and reading. He's an ambivert, but he is more in the introvert spectrum (And is only extraverted around people they are close to). He is a Gay demisexual (and if you saw the image, I KNOW It said Asexual, I meant to put demisexual T-T).

SOOOOOOO Yea that's all for now

enjoy the story (once i update it lol).

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