Part 6: The start of something big

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(Hellooo everyone, sorry I haven't been updating in a while. I have just been busy from some stuff at home, like work T-T. BUT anyways I finally got some free time to write soo here you go. Also, I made little changes to my earlier chapters because, A, some actions did not fit with the characters, and B, some grammar or spelling mistakes.)

No one's Pov: (again. maybe I should stop putting POVs lol)

In a fancy limo, the Theatre group is currently being drove towards the Crystal hotel, with most of the members excited to see where they'll stay for the next few days. As they arrive, all of them were astonished to see the hotel. "Wait, this is where we'll be staying?!?" ash says shocked,
"It looks so bright and expensive" johnny says which everyone agrees. "We kind of look out of place, don't we?" Zotz says in a nervous laugh, when then Moon gets everyone's' attention "Ok everyone, I'm going to the front desk to ask about our room. So, I'll be right back." Moon says as he then runs over to the front desk.

Zotz felt his shoulder being tapped and looks over to who it is. "Huh? Oh! Johnny what is it? Zotz asked as calm as they could. "Um, hey I have something to ask?" "Hmm? yeah sure, what is it?", Johnny then takes a long sigh, "later tonight you wanna hang with me? if you don't m-mind me asking?" He says while blushing a bit. "I-I sure I would love too, so you want to go at 9?" Zotz said surprised while blushing as well. "Yeah, that would be great." Johnny said shocked seeing he didn't get turned down. Meanwhile, Gunter is at the near gift shop contemplating on what to get, Meena is facetiming her family to tell them the good news, Ms. Crawly is sitting down in one of the benches relaxing while she enjoys the crystal scenery, and Ash is with Rosita both looking at Zotz with Johnny while saying in their minds "can you both just kiss already?".

When then again Moon gets their attention "Ok! I got our room number and keys so let's go!" everyone starts following the small koala until they found their room number. They then open the black and golden double doors to see a giant penthouse with the golden sunset on the horizon outside the balcony. "Woah! this nice" Gunter says, "So wait where do we sleep?" Rosita asks looking a bit exhausted. "Yeah, about that since they only have 5 rooms some of us, we'll be sharing rooms, but don't worry I already arranged on who's going on which rooms." Moon says which intrigues everyone. "Ok, first Rosita is getting her own room since she's already having her family going to visit in a bit." Moon says in which everyone agrees. "Second, Me and Gunter are sharing a room due to us both planning the musical. Third, Ms. Crawly is also getting her own room. Finally, Ash and Meena are sharing their own room, As well as Johnny and Zotz." Everyone is excited except for Johnny and Zotz who seems a bit hesitant and flustered on the idea of sharing a room together. "Umm, so let's go unpack right Zotz?" Johnny says nervously, "H-huh? Oh! yeah right let's go.". They both then approach to their respective room.

When they both unpack all of their belongings, Zotz then approaches to the door with a towel at hand. "I'm gonna go shower while Gunter and Moon discuss ideas for the musical.", "Sure, go ahead I'm going to see what food we have; I'm starving." they both then leave the room.

Ryan's Pov:

"SHIT, I got to get ready!" The Bengal tiger says as he had overslept after getting food with Nooshy a few hours ago. "I can't believe I overslept! I have to get to the Crystal Hotel ASAP!!" He then grabs his Duffle bag containing his dancewear, water, some food, his phone, and an extra pair of clothes. And he books it out of his apartment in Red Shore and starts to head to The Crystal Hotel as he takes a taxi.

Once arrives, He sees his dance classmates waiting in the lobby, "I'm SO sorry guys, I kinda overslept" Ryan says as he's out of breath. "Oh, don't worry, they said to meet them at the dance room in few hours." a hyena named Aster said, which eased the worries of the tiger. "You're lucky today man, I thought me and Aster would have to run over to your apartment." a lion named Mack said jokingly. "Well, what do you guys want to do while in this fancy hotel?" Ryan says which made both of his friends think for a moment. "Maybe we can go check out the coffee shop here? I kind of want to get some tea." Aster said with they all agree on, As they then walk towards the coffee shop.

No one's Pov:

Johnny is currently back in his shared room about to finish eating a muffin, when the door suddenly opens to reveal Zotz with his towel tied around his waist and his clothes on his arm. Johnny immediately looks away from the wet bat as he blushes profusely, while Zotz then zooms towards the closet also looking a bit red. As a few minutes pass by Zotz comes out wearing his normal ripped jeans, a generic white T-shirt, and a bit oversized yellow cardigan. "Woah, u-um you look good and toned" Johnny blurted out, realizing what he said he covered his mouth. "Oh! Uh thank you, but I think your style is better than mine" Zotz says as they both laugh a bit. When then they were interrupted by Mr. Moon's voice "GUYS ITS TIME TO GO TO THE STAGE."

Eventually, everyone arrives to the stage to see tons of workers wearing blue uniforms around the stage waiting for the crew. Moon runs towards the center of the stage with Meena carrying an object with a white cloth on top of it. Once everyone circles around Moon and the Theatre group, Moon starts to speak, "Ok, on behalf of myself with the cast, I just want to say. That to be given this incredible opportunity to work with you all here at the Crystal Tower Theatre, well it's an honor for all of us. And I believe together we can make a show that'll take the audience out of this world." As Moon finishes his speech, he reveals a giant pop-up book named "Out of This World". "And a big thanks to Steve over here for staying up all night to make this model" As Moon motion towards a canine who had looked like they've been through so much. "Poor guy" Everyone thought, while also thinking, "Great job! Steve". Moon then opens the book with the first page containing a spaceship with what looks to be a tiny Rosita. "The star of the show, Rosita." Rosita looked surprised while everyone else looked happy for her, "That's you baby!!" Gunter exclaimed. "The lead role?" Rosita asked Moon, "Trust me, you are perfect for it," Rosita then starts tearing up happily while everyone congratulates her. "Wait till my kids hear about this" Rosita said still happy.

Moon then continues with the story "Rosita plays an astronaut searching for a missing space explorer, and together her trusty robot" "That's me" Gunter said, "yes, they follow the trail across four planets. There's a planet of war, a planet of love, A meteor shower that may hinder or assist their mission, a planet despair, and one of joy. And each planet will have its own spectacular musical number performed by one of our terrific casts." everyone is then surprised on the creativity of this show. "And how does it end? Do I find the explorer?" Rosita asks when then Gunter intervenes "Oh, we have no clue what we're going to do at the end" Which makes mostly the workers surprised and shocked a bit, but luckily Moon reassures the workers that they already have amazing ideas for the ending. Moon then excuses everyone, and the workers start prepping for work. "Johnny, you are going to be playing an alien warrior in a fantastic battle scene." Moon says which gets johnny excited "congrats man" says Zotz as he congratulates Johnny. "Come with me, you too Zotz" Moon says, "oh ok" both of them then follow Moon towards to what looks to be like a dance room.

"Johnny, I want you to meet your fellow dancers," Moon says which surprises both Johnny and Zotz. "Hello lads" Johnny greeted as everyone else greeted back. "Wait didn't you say mine was a battle scene?" Johnny asked confused, "Well it is but Gunter saw it as more of a dance battle" Moon says as Gunter interrupts "YEAH". "Okay" Johnny says hesitantly, "Johnny don't worry, you're going to be working with the number one choreographer in Red Shore City" Moon tries to reassure while also giving Johnny the instructor's card "Klaus Kickenklober?" Johnny reads out the card. "I feel like there's a joke in there somewhere, but I can't tell what it is" Zotz thoughts to himself as Moon continues "Yep, Klaus will turn you into a pro in no time." Moon says as he was then called over by Meena. Zotz then looks at Johnny, who looks pretty nervous. "Uh, hey look it'll be just fine; besides I'll be right here," Zotz says which makes Johnny feel a bit better. "Thanks, though who am I battling?" Johnny asks as Zotz shrugs with no knowledge of who that is.

Then They hear a somewhat tired but energetic voice, as they turn to see a Bengal tiger almost the same height as Johnny. "Hey, I'm Ryan, your dance partner, I'm guessing both of you are the part of the main cast?" Ryan introduces himself, "Oh u-uh h-hey my name is Zotz, I don't know my role yet but hope it's great", "well it's great to meet you" Ryan says, "Hello mate, my name is Johnny, I can't wait to work with you" "Me too" Ryan replies. "But anyways I can't wait to start practicing. so, I'll see you two tomorrow yeah?" Ryan then walks away as he, Johnny, and Zotz are all thinking "that was wow" as all three of them turned a tad red.

(There done lol, I'll try to update this as soon as I can after this, but anyways stay tuned :D )

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