Part 8: An Exhausting Day

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No one's Pov:(why am I still doing this pov thing? it's not even needed with the way I'm writing this lol)

Johnny and Zotz, both arrive back to the hotel shortly after hanging out with Ryan, a tad tired. "Hey guys, we're back" Johnny says with a yawn after entering the penthouse with Zotz close behind. "Oh! good, we just got dinner." Rosita says as both Zotz, and Johnny sit down at the table beside Ash and Meena. "Thank you so much, Rosita. I mean, I met you all literally just recently." Zotz says with uncertainty and worry. "It's not a problem, what is a problem is that what you did." Rosita looks at Moon, shooting daggers at him. Moon then coughs nervously as he drinks his beverage. "But I guess it kind of worked out." 

After a few minutes of discussing and eating, most of the crew went to get ready for bed except for the young members Zotz, Johnny, Ash, and Meena. "So how was your hangout?" Ash suddenly says with a mischievous grin no one could see. "Oh, umm it was peaceful and relaxing. We even invited one of the dancers, Ryan, since he missed his bus, and had nothing to do." Zotz says getting awakened from zoning out by the sudden question. Ash then looks surprised, but then asks another question, "What is Ryan like?", "Oh he's caring" "he's kind" "he's supportive" "he's great" "he's got a big heart", both Zotz, and Johnny says zoned out and in unison. They then, realized that what they said and blushed red. "you know what, I'm tired, good night!!" Johnny says as he rushes to their bedroom with Zotz following behind, "yup! good night you two!!" both Meena and Ash looked at each other and giggled. "Aww, I didn't get say my question" Meena says, "Well what was it?" Ash asks. "Would you two date Ryan if he was down for it?" Then both girls start laughing until they started to get tired and went to their own rooms Aswell. 

After A few hours later

Midnight appears over the city; Zotz gets up from his bed, grabs his phone, and earphones, in which he starts walking towards the living room balcony. But as he leaves the room, Johnny wakes up from the sudden noise. "Huh? Where is Zotz going?" Johnny whispers as he gets up and starts walking following Zotz. He then sees Zotz going towards the balcony and with his earphones in his ears. Zotz takes a deep breath, then opens up his wings a tiny bit. And jumps out from the balcony. "WHA- ZOTZ!!" Johnny screams shocked as he runs over to the edge to see Zotz flying around quick like lighting, Zotz then sees Johnny, and his wings immediately close up. Zotz is then falling from the sky, but before he could fall into the rushing water below, he feels two hands holding on to his arm tightly, in which begins to pull him over. "What were you doing?!"Johnny asks scared as hell. "I was doing my night flights, since in the dark it would be harder for people to see me fly out in the open. Sorry for worrying you" Zotz says as Johnny calms down and says, "It's fine, but please tell us before we catch you jumping out the window." "Yeah, you're right, I'll tell everyone tomorrow." "Ok good I guess, now get back to bed." Johnny says as Zotz complied and walked back to bed with Johnny.

Meanwhile, at a familiar apartment, "Ok Ryan, what's going on right now?? You suddenly feel like air, you're getting a bit sweaty, and now those two are in your head??" Ryan shouts to himself. "Oh, I don't know maybe you're finally going crazy." suddenly a voice that's not Ryan, goes through his apartment. "Huh, NOOSHY! Why are you at my apartment?! how did you even get in??", "First of all, I'm your friend, and I need to know how your first day was. Secondly, it wasn't even hard getting in, your front door was unlocked, dude." Nooshy explained. "Oh, I forgot to lock it when I got back." Ryan laughs nervously. 

"Yeah yeah, anyways, how was your first day??" Nooshy asked excitedly. "It was pretty good, it started of not too well, but the last parts were good." Ryan started. "Oh, do tell", "Tonight, I met two of the cast members, Zotz and Johnny, they asked me if I wanted to hang out with them, since I kinda missed my bus-". Nooshy then laughs "heh dumbass, honestly couldn't be me" "Yeah yeah we get it" Ryan then continues. "And they- or well Zotz took me and Johnny to this beautiful park, it was relaxing and calming.", "huh, that actually sounds pretty nice, continue", "And they were both pretty chill, Johnny was nice and caring, and Zotz was kind and pretty." Ryan then says which causes him to close his mouth after realizing what he just said. Nooshy then says. "oooo it seems like someone has a double crush." Nooshy says with a mischievous grin. "wha- NO I DON'T!", "It seems like your in double denial >:3", ". . . . . .why are you like this? " "Why not ;3". Ryan then lets out deep sigh, "ok, I'm going to bed.", "Ok, have a nice sleep tiger boy" Nooshy for the last time before she leaves the apartment.

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